Human Resource Management in Organizations MN 301 – Human Resource Management Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D. Pine Manor College Fall 2014
Types of Organizational Assets
Human Resource (HR) Management The design and execution of formal organizational systems (HR) such that human talent can accomplish organizational goals
Human Capital Collective value of the capabilities, knowledge, skills, life experiences, and motivation of an organizational workforce Called intellectual capital to reflect following contributions of employees Thinking Knowledge Creativity Decision making
HRM Professionals with (and thru) the Organization’s Line Managers
Smaller Organizations and HR Management
Core Competency Unique capability that creates high value in which an organization excels Differentiates an organization from its competitors Is a key determinant of competitive advantage HR department focus on using people as a core competency
Where/How Employees Can be a Core Competency
Organizational Productivity
HR Approaches to Improving Productivity
HRM Practices also Impacts…. Organizational effectiveness Quality Customer Service
Organizational Culture Shared values and beliefs in an organization Evolves over a period of time Provides employees with rules for behavior Is constant and enduring Determines organizational climate Affects service and quality, organizational productivity, and financial results
HR Management Functions Influenced by following forces of external environment Global Environmental Geographic Political, social, and legal Economic, and technological
HR Management Functions HR strategy and planning Equal employment opportunity Staffing Talent management Rewards Employee relations
Mix of Roles for HR Departments
Roles of HR Management Administrative Clerical administration, recordkeeping, legal paperwork and policy implementation Major shifts - Use of technology and outsourcing Operational and Employee Advocate Work with managers and supervisors Identify and implement needed programs and policies in the organization Strategic Address business realities Focus on future business needs Fit between human capital and business plans and needs
Current HR Management Challenges
Competition, Cost Pressures, and Restructuring Job Shifts Reduction in the number of existing employees. Attract and retain employees with different capabilities Skill Shortages Inadequate supply of workers with the skills needed to perform the emerging new jobs
Globalization Integration of global operations, management, and strategic alliances Types of global workers Expatriate: Citizen of one country working in a second country and employed by an organization headquartered in the first country Host-country national: Citizen of one country working in that country and employed by an organization headquartered in a second country Third-country national: Citizen of one country working in a second country and employed by an organization headquartered in a third country
Globalization - Legal and Political Factors Many nations function under turbulent and varied legal and political systems Role of HR professionals Conducting comprehensive reviews of the political environment, national culture, and employment laws before beginning operations in a country
Challenges For Global Human Resource Strategy People Complexity Risk
Changing Workforce Racial/Ethnic Diversity Gender in the Workforce Aging Workforce Growth in Contingent Workforce
Advantages of Technology Improves the efficiency of the administrative HR functions and reduces costs Helps in strategic HR planning Supports recruitment, selection and training Contributes to organizational performance through collection and analysis of HR-related data
HR and Organizational Ethics
Ethical Behavior and Organizational Culture
Ethics and Global Differences Differences in legal, political, and cultural values and practices in different countries Global employers must comply with both their home-country laws and the laws of other countries
HR’s Role in Organizational Ethics
Examples of HR-Related Ethical Misconduct
Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)Act Reduces likelihood of illegal and unethical behaviors HR issues - Major concerns are linked to executive compensation and benefits Requires companies to: Establish ethics codes Develop employee complaint systems Have anti-retaliation policies for employees who act as whistle blowers to identify wrongful actions
HR Management Competencies
HR Management as a Career Field
Human Resource Certification HR professionals need knowledge in following areas Employment regulations Finance Tax law Statistics Information systems
HR Certifications at a Glance