Studies of D Semileptonic Decay at CLEO-c Bo Xin Ph.D. Thesis Defense 1 Studies of D Semileptonic Decays at CLEO-c Bo Xin Ph.D. Thesis Defense West Lafayette, Indiana, April 14, 2009
Introducing Myself A one word definition –A HEP graduate Student from China, working on D semileptonic decays at the CLEO-c experiment Studies of D Semileptonic Decay at CLEO-c Bo Xin2 Ph.D. Thesis Defense
Introducing Myself A one word definition –A HEP graduate Student from China, working on D semileptonic decays at the CLEO-c experiment Studies of D Semileptonic Decay at CLEO-c Bo Xin3 Ph.D. Thesis Defense Before I came to Purdue –A Graduate Student working on Ψ(2S) decays at the BEijing Spectrometer (BES) experiment
Introducing Myself A one word definition –A HEP graduate Student from China, working on D semileptonic decays at the CLEO-c experiment Studies of D Semileptonic Decay at CLEO-c Bo Xin4 Ph.D. Thesis Defense Before I came to Purdue –A Graduate Student working on Ψ(2S) decays at the BEijing Spectrometer (BES) experiment A summary of my years at Purdue –5 years in graduate school –4 physics analyses –3 years of service work
Introducing Myself A one word definition –A HEP graduate Student from China, working on D semileptonic decays at the CLEO-c experiment Studies of D Semileptonic Decay at CLEO-c Bo Xin5 Ph.D. Thesis Defense Before I came to Purdue –A Graduate Student working on Ψ(2S) decays at the BEijing Spectrometer (BES) experiment A summary of my years at Purdue –5 years in graduate school –4 physics analyses –3 years of service work –2 great universities (Purdue & Cornell) –1 great adviser Thank you!
Physics Analyses Studies of D Semileptonic Decay at CLEO-c Bo Xin6 Ph.D. Thesis Defense Jul 05 - Feb 07 Oct 06 - Jan 09 Jun 07 - Mar 09 Jan 07 - Oct 08 Batbold’s thesis Entered Purdue: Aug 2004 Qualifying exam: Aug 2004, Preliminary exam: Oct 2006 Graduating: May 2009
The CLEO-c detector Studies of D Semileptonic Decay at CLEO-c Bo Xin7 Ph.D. Thesis Defense CLEO III General purpose symmetric detector p/p = 0.6% at 800 MeV/c E/E = 2% at 1 GeV, 5% at 100 MeV 5% at 100 MeV 93% coverage (charged and neutral) Excellent electron and particle ID CLEO-c CLEO-c CLEO III – SVX + ZD – 0.5 T Advantages of running at Charm threshold –Low multiplicity –High tagging efficiency Most relevant to D semileptonic decays
Studies of D Semileptonic Decay at CLEO-c Bo Xin8 Ph.D. Thesis Defense Analysis Technique Candidate events are selected by reconstructing a D, called a tag, in several hadronic modes Then we reconstruct the semileptonic decay in the system recoiling from the tag. Two key variables in the reconstruction of a tag: For semileptonic D : Tagging creates a single D beam of known 4-momentum e + e - (3770) DD
Studies of D Semileptonic Decay at CLEO-c Bo Xin9 Ph.D. Thesis Defense Pure DD, zero additional particles, ~5-6 charged particles per event ~6.6x 10 5 D 0 and ~4.8 x 10 5 D + tags reconstructed from ~5.2 x 10 6 DD events We tag ~20% of the events, compared to ~0.1% of B’s at the Y(4S) D tagging at CLEO-c Plots from 818/pb D K/πe + analysis 818 pb