AQM for business innovation 1 METEF 2014
AQM for business innovation AQM is a large technical services center based in Provaglio d’Iseo – BS offering technology, management and organization services for production qualification and innovation. Thanks to in-depth knowledge of industrial materials and their production processes, equipped and advanced laboratories, more than thirty years of experience, AQM is active for performing mechanical, corrosion, fatigue and performance verification TESTS, metallography, failures analysis, materials characterization, non-destructive tests CONSULTING in quality, safety and environment, organization, industrial design, techniques for the development,processing and selection of materials and products; TRAINING for the introduction of new technologies and methods for the improvement of the quality of products and production processes; PUBLISHING documentation services and information; Its facilities, organisation and highly qualified staff make AQM a vital partner to achieve innovation. 2
Accreditations, approvals and certifications Cod Sch.: : S-P7/10-12 Data Scheda: 03/2009 Rev. Scheda: 0
AQM for business innovation If for INNOVATION we mean the process that turns an idea or concept in a potentially innovative new product or service, then good ideas or good will won’t be enough, but you will need to meet the challenge by…. 4
AQM for business innovation MEASURE The performance of existing products and processes in order to understand the limits to be overcome 5
AQM for business innovation INVESTIGATE Deeply the causes of the failures to obtain the necessary experience to lay the groundwork for radical or incremental innovation 6
AQM for business innovation HAVE PROFESSIONAL SKILLS able to control and monitor processes and products and Correct errors Incorporate changes resulting from innovation 19/09/2011 7
AQM for business innovation Then it will be necessary for companies to gain into a lean and efficient system of relations that has /09/2011 8
…TESTING LABS able not only to check compliance with quality standards but can UNDERSTAND PROBLEMS CAUSES and failures spotted on products and processes and ABLE to provide TECHNICAL CONSULTING for the development and for overcoming obstacles 19/09/2011 9
LABS able to design and develop new or existing products and processes TESTING using both internal facilities than synergies developed with other private laboratories or universities 19/09/
A TRAINING BODY specialized in technical training and certification of SKILLS personnel in order to be competent not only in the existing processes and products but to oversee innovation and evolution, based on strong and implementable knowledge. 19/09/
A BODY able to develop technical consulting in technological and industrial areas that has CONFIDENCE with: Processes Materials Manufacturing Test and survey methods 19/09/
If these are some of the key aspects to support business innovation then AQM can be defined as A TOOL FOR DEVELOPMENT, INNOVATION and IMPROVEMENT for businesses 19/09/
AQM Business in numbers Building area: approx. 3,500 m 2 Share Capital: 3,600, € Aqm owners: 188 Number of customers per year: more than 1,300 Turnover: approx. 4,750, € (more than 5 Ml in 2014) Number of orders per year: more than 4,500 Employees: 48 Consultants and trainers: approx. 30 working on a contract basis
AQM regularly acquires about 300 new customers per year. Our customer database is of over 20,000 names served in all our years of activity About 8-10% of our turnover is intended for development and investment Several accreditations, certifications and national and international awards make AQM a serious and reliable partner for all innovative companies. 16
AQM for innovation AQM can certainly be a support with high expertise in support of projects in the areas : Aerospace Automotive Energy Oil&Gas Advanced materials Automation and mecatronics Machinery component and tools Metallurgy 17
Some examples AS a QUESTIO (Quality Evaluation in Science and Technology for Innovation Opportunity) accredited research center by the Lombardy Region, AQM provides its expertise for: Research, robust design and design review, development and implementation of new products and business. Study and characterization of prototype materials, surface coatings and hardened layers; Environmental simulations, static and dynamic tests / vibration, corrosion and fatigue tests Study of macro-and microstructural changes due to manufacturing cycles, heat and thermochemical treatments Assessment in order to minimize the energy intake by using different materials and technologies; Support for optimizing the production facilities 18