”The Stockholm papers” For MY GENERATION Bob Arnkil Arnkil Dialogues
”Big learning loop” Strategic learning(benchmarking) Good and sustaiable practice ”Evidence” Peer learning + scientific commnity Implementation time Small learning loops” Fast real time learning in everyday working life (and all life (benchlearning) Interesting and promising practice Enrichment of the ”ecosystem” of knowledge and connections Arnkil Dialogues
”Big learning cycle” ”Small learning cycles” Fast, real time learning: Interesting and promising practice, Nopea, reaaliaikainen oppimine – enrichement of ideas and action and connections - ”Benchlearning” Strategic learning: Good practice – Sustainable good practice- Comparison and implementation, ”Benchmarking” Enrichment of good practice descriptions(”360stories) Enrichment of the knowledge and contact ”ecosystem” Dialogical, multi-actor forum processes ”Timeships” – before- now- future Arnkil Dialogues
Permanent partners and competitors and spaces of connection Temporary partners and competitors and spaces of connection Citizens and customers and learning spaces for connection Dovernance and management and spaces of connection Project Organisation ”Centre” Before and connectios to learn from it Now, and connections to learn Future and connections to emergent future Arnkil Dialogues
Horizontal partners and competitors (permanent) Horizontal partners and competitors (temporary) Citizens, customers Governance, management Unit/ project Unit /project Unit A telling their 360- degree story Unit B listening how the story of A resonates to their 360-degrees Dialogical learning space Time Facilitator(s) of dialogue Audience (”outer ring”) first listening, then participating in dialogue Arnkil Dialogues
We want to move away form traditional product and good practice thinking and reporting, which only captures the ”rational planning” mode of the product, and ignores or captures very vaguely the context, learning, situated and tacit elements of products This is why we want to create a new kind of ”product space and ecology”, which recognizes that Products exist in three different forms or ”guises”: 1) the traditional written form (plans, texts, directives…), 2) as learning infrastuctures and ideas (like dialogical concepts) and 3) as lively ”material” of the actual events, happenings, stories people tell – i.e. illustrations that also capture (some) of the tacit dimensions (like gestures and ambience) Products exist (basically…) on three levels 1) Front line contact level (face-to-face with citizens and customers as service products 2) Horizontal level (”middle-management”) as networking and workshops (i.e. a good workshop is a product!) and 3) ”Management of wholes” as setting frameworks and priorities The products of MG will exist in all these three modes and levels (with differences and according to possibilities), and they are mutually supportive i.e. the rational, learning infra and illustrative material support each other, and also the different levels (operational, horizontal and vertical) support each other. Transforming product and tool ”ecology” Arnkil Dialogues
Product space:Different modes and levels of product and tool existence Mode of existence Level of existence Rational planningLearning infrastructure Multi-media material, illustrations, stories Managing, setting frameworks, Vertical contact Local action plan as a written plan Local action plan as freamework of learning Locan action plan as illustrations and stories Horizontal Networking & contact Events worshops Multi-actor workshop and networking plans, directives and schedules Multi-actor workshop and networking dialogue and learning concepts and methods Multi-media and story material of multi-actor workshops and networking Front-line contact Operational level Services Service concepts (street football…) Front-line training material Multi-media and story material of front-line activities, citizen input Arnkil Dialogues
Product matrix:Different modes and levels of product and tool existence Mode of existence Level of existence Rational planningLearning infrastructure Multi-media material, illustrations, stories Managing, setting frameworks, Vertical contact Local action plan as a written plan Local action plan as freamework of learning Locan action plan as illustrations and stories Horizontal Networking & contact Events worshops Multi-actor workshop and networking plans, directives and schedules Multi-actor workshop and networking dialogue and learning concepts and methods Multi-media and story material of multi-actor workshops and networking Front-line contact Operational level Services Service concepts (street football…) Front-line training material Multi-media and story material of front-line activities, citizen input Management/ governance products and tools in three forms: plan, learning plan and convincing illustrations ”Middle management” products and tools in three forms: plans, learning plans and convincing illustrations ”Street level” products and tools in three forms: plans, learning programmes and convincing illustrations Arnkil Dialogues
Operational level: City projects (built around LSG+network+ LAP Thematic level: good practices in Outreach and Edu-Empl. (built around peer reviews & task visits MG network level: the whole/ good practice of coordination (built around overall reflection) … Network Jan 2009 Patras Outreach review May hosting peer ws + steering group Glasgow Outreach report May 10 + hosting ws Gdansk Employment review Sept 09 + hosting peer ws + network Gothenburg Employment report Oct 10 +hosting peer ws Valencia Steering group 09 May 09 (with Outreach) Glasgow Network ”halfway house” Jan 10 Riga Network closure Feb 11 Antwerp CITY PROJECTS OUTREACH LESSONS, case reports, methods EDU-EMPLOYMENT LESSONS, case reports, methods COORDINATION LESSONS FUTURE WORKSHOPS JAN- MARCH City Progress report Final City Report, with LAP-draft + final Nov- Dec 10 LSG meetings LSG meetings LSG meetings LSG meetings Network Sept 09 (with empl.) Gothenb. Youth event April 2009 Rotterdam 1. City Progress report Arnkil Dialogues
THE MG WORKING MATRIX THEME ACTOR Needs Ideas New connec- tions and action What works Sur- prises Barriers Learning Points -Local -MG Con- clusions Next steps/ Way ahead Youth Edu- cation Busi- ness Local Comm. Local authority Other OverallNeedsCoordi- nation Good practice BarriersLearningConclusi ons Way ahead Arnkil Dialogues