Capacity building through EU programmes Jana Simonova Head, Country Support Team UNDP Regional Centre in Bratislava 2 December 2004
UNDP assistance in capacity building (CB) funded by EU 1. Design and formulation of EU funded projects 1. Design and formulation of EU funded projects 2. Development and implementation projects 2. Development and implementation projects 3. Cross–border cooperation (CBC) 3. Cross–border cooperation (CBC) 4. New EU Neighborhood policy (ENP) 4. New EU Neighborhood policy (ENP)
1. Design and formulation of EU funded projects Responds to existing need in CB at local level Responds to existing need in CB at local level Component of larger projects on SD Component of larger projects on SD Contributes to efficient use of EU funds Contributes to efficient use of EU funds Pre-accession cooperation Pre-accession cooperation
2. Development and implementation EU funded projects In accession and third countries – PHARE, TACIS, CARDS …. In accession and third countries – PHARE, TACIS, CARDS …. In new EU member states (NMS) – In new EU member states (NMS) – –15 projects submitted to EQUAL In partnership with national partners In partnership with national partners Special relations/agreement with government Special relations/agreement with government Lack of domestic capacities, expertise or good ideas Lack of domestic capacities, expertise or good ideas Overcoming legal obstacles Overcoming legal obstacles
3. Cross–border cooperation (CBC) INTERREG – bridge to ENP Intra EU cooperation and experience sharing Intra EU cooperation and experience sharing Neighbourhood Programme Neighbourhood Programme open to third countries - mix of financial instruments - international partnerships required UNDP well pre-positioned – network of COs and partners alongside the EU border Poland – Belorus – Ukraine Slovakia – Hungary - Romania Roma inclusion and local development
4. New EU Neighborhood policy (ENP) Ad hoc versus strategic involvement Ad hoc versus strategic involvement Goal: UNDP to get recognized by EC as possible partner/facilitator in implementation ENP Goal: UNDP to get recognized by EC as possible partner/facilitator in implementation ENP
How to get there Develop new product that would meet EU needs – UNDP Brussels Develop new product that would meet EU needs – UNDP Brussels –NMS provide expertise to recipients beyond EU border – UNDP facilitates …. Establish communication with EC on UNDP offer Establish communication with EC on UNDP offer Get support from governments of Get support from governments of –NMS (CB for development assistance) –Neighbours (CB for development) –Donors (3 wins : ENP, knowledge, ED) Create coalition of governments willing to bring it into political negotiations in Brussels Create coalition of governments willing to bring it into political negotiations in Brussels
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