Brief presentation about myself… Egbert de Smet Brief presentation about myself…
Professional position University degree (MA) in Political and Social Sciences (1978) Ph.D. in ‘Information and Library Science’ (1993) Experience as ‘assistant’ and scientific researcher in ‘the production of culture’ (education, cultural sector e.g. literature, books -> libraries) 1978 – 1981 Co-ordinator of the programme ‘MA in Inf.&Lib. Science’ since 1983, Antwerp University Training manager for INASP, from 2005
Antwerp 2nd city in Belgium, north of the (small) country (Flandres) :
Special Degree ‘IBW’ Since 1983 established as unique course in Flanders, interuniversity 2 years of university education with rather large scope (libraries + technology) 1st year ‘Advanced studies’ -> introduction 2nd year ‘Specialised studies’ -> technologies and ICT Evolution towards ‘MA’ : 1 integrated programme 50 students on average each year…
Professional profile After the sociology came … Information Science with technical/technological focus The CDS/ISIS software and its applications in (inter)national information systems, e.g. in the community information systems etc. Projets in Eastern Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia) and Cuba Lecturer in ‘Documentary Information Systems’ in two ‘International Training Programmes’ (VLIR and CIUF) containing a.o. ISIS-software.
INASP International network for the availability of scientific publications Main programmes : PERI (Programme for the Enhancement of Research Information) Library Support programme Publishing support programme, e.g. African Journals Online (AJOL) See :
Contact Addresse : E. de Smet IBW – UA Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Wilrijk/Antwerpen Belgium E-mail
Work plan +-12 sessions (3hrs) S1 : Expectations discussion (June 6) S2 : An introduction to PC’s and software (June 15) S3 : Introduction and theory on ISIS (June) S4 : Creation of a simple ISIS-database (July 25) S5 : Intro on Formatting Language (July 25) S6 : Basic FL statements (July 27) S7 : FL for multi-media and multi-bases (July 27) S8 : FL for indexing, conversion and validation (July 29) S9 : Searching techniques (July 29) S10 : ISIS on the WWW (August 1) S11 : WEBLIS (August 2)
Work plan (cont’d) Reserve : Other functions and management issues Other ISIS family members : CISIS ISISDLL OpenISIS WEBLIS Programming in ISIS : Pascal et DLL ?
Discussion : expectations Questions : How does STIMULATE fit into your professional situation ? ICT in your prof. environment ?? Management of change ? How does STIMULATE fit into your personal career planning ? ‘professional mobility’ ? Promotion (or frustration) ? Which outcomes do you expect ? Which type of knowledge, on top of experiences, to be gathered ? Which guidance needed ? Assignment ? Certificate… Is ISIS-software relevant to you ? If so, how ? If not, ‘academic’ interest ? Already used ? To which extent ? Known ? Which version : DOS, Windows, WWW ? For library automation and/or information management ? Interested ? Alternatives ?