1 InWEnt Capacity Building for Country- led Governance Assessments
2 InWEnt Centre for Economic, Environmental and Social Statistics Statistical Capacity Building since 1973 (Munich Centre) > 2200 participants Target Groups: Producers and Users of Statistics (CSOs, Ministries, Civil Society, Research Bodies, Private Sector)
3 Training Courses The annual training programmes include face-to-face workshops, training courses and conferences in Germany and abroad, as well as internet-based courses. Since it was founded in 1973, the Centre has provided further training for more than 2,000 participants. For our partner institutions and countries we also develop customised courses (on request). InWEnt cooperates with a large network of selected experts from around the globe, ensuring a practice-oriented, state-of-the-art knowledge transfer.
4 Topics Measuring Progress: Statistics and MDGs/ Poverty Statistics Gender Statistics Measuring HIV/AIDS and its Socio- Economic Impacts Measuring Democracy, Governance and Human Rights System of National Accounts Environmental Statistics Climate Change Policies M&E Geodata and Statistics MIS/ DSS Statistics and PR
5 On Measuring Democracy, Governance and Human Rights A Blended-learning training
6 Blended-learning Approach: E-learning combined with other learning instruments (e.g. classroom sessions) Why Blended-learning? cost and time saving, harmonisation of knowledge levels, peer-learning, high multiplying effect Timeframe of a "standard" course: 4-7 weeks e-phase, 5-10 days classroom session Blended-learning Approach
7 developed in 2007 enabling trainees to find their way through the 'jungle' of different approaches, indices and methodologies.....and how to use them for their own work purpose The e-learning course 'Governance City'
8 Learning Contents Communication Exchange Evaluation
9 Learning Contents
10 Learning Contents: World of Indices and Indicators
14 Learning Contents Communication Exchange Self Assessment and Evaluation
15 Self Assessment and Evaluation Self Learning Instrument Instrument to check learning Progress and to further select participants
16 Self Assessment and Evaluation
17 Self Assessment and Evaluation
18 Learning Contents Communication Exchange Self Assessment and Evaluation
19 Communication: Chat
20 Communication: Chat Groups
21 Learning Contents Communication Exchange Self Assessment and Evaluation
22 Exchange: Sharing Documents
23 Classroom session Deepening of Knowledge, Peer Learning, Selected Inputs Practical Training
24 Classroom session: Programme Monday :30 - 9:00 9: :30 Registration Opening session Address of Welcome Presentation of the Agenda and of participants and Trainers Expectations towards the training Thomas Wollnik InWEnt Dr. Justine Hunter Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID) Mustafa Khawaja, Consultant 10: :30Discussion on results of the e-learning course "Governance City" The main findings of the e-learning and open questions towards the classroom training will be summarized Ken Mease, PhD University of Florida Mustafa Khawaja 14: :30Statistics Camp for Measuring Governance Governance related training in Basic Statistics: Sampling, Development of Indicators, Questionnaire Design, Interview Techniques and other forms of Information Gathering Ken Mease, PhD 15: :00Windhoek: Exploring the context Basic facts and socioeconomic as well political data on selected quarters of Windhoek will be presented with regards to the practical exercise on governance assessment: The household survey on service delivery in selected quarters of Windhoek Susanne Scholz University of Namibia 19:00Welcome Dinner at Acacia Restaurant (Safari Court Hotel) with 'Old Location Band'
25 Classroom session: Programme Tuesday : :30Statistics Camp (continued)Ken Mease, PhD 14: :00Statistics Camp (continued)Ken Mease, PhD Wednesday : :00Statistics Camp (continued)Ken Mease, PhD 14: :00Measuring Corruption: Transparency International ApproachesJuanita Riano Transparency International Thursday : :45Assessing and Assisting Democracy and Electoral Processes: Tools of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) Rushdi Nackerdien (IDEA) 16: :00Electoral Processes in NamibiaGraham Hopwood (Institute for Public Policy Research)
26 Classroom session: Programme Friday, : :30World Governance Assessment (General Overview) Implementation process in Namibia Ken Mease, PhD Dr. Justine Hunter 10: :00Statistics Camp (final session) Finalization of the questionnaire and logistical advice for the survey Ken Mease, PhD Dr. Justine Hunter Mustafa Khawaja 13: :00Lunch Break 14: :00Free Afternoon Saturday, : :00Household Survey on Service Delivery in Selected quarters of Windhoek NID and InWEnt staff Mustafa Khawaja 14: :00Free Afternoon Sunday, Okapuka Ranch (Game Drive, Lunch and Lion Feeding) Monday, : :00Urban Governance AssessmentSugumi Tanaka UN Habitat
27 Classroom session: Programme Tuesday, : :30Country Perspectives on Governance Assessment Processes: The case of Zambia Example of an InWEnt supported ongoing process in the field of GA Vanny Hampondela Governance Secretariat Zambia 14: :00Country Perspectives continued Group work bringing into the discussions the participants experiences Mustafa Khawajia Wednesday, : The AfrobarometerDaniel Armah Attoh Ghana Center for Democratic Development Thursday, : :30Free morning to work on data entry 14: :00Household Survey: Data Analysis, Presentation and Discussion of Results Mustafa Khawajia 19:00Farewell Dinner at 'Joe's Beerhouse' Friday, : :00Human Rights IndicatorsMarco Larizza University Of Essex 12: :30Evaluation and Final DiscussionDr. Uwe Singer InWEnt Mustafa Khawajia Free Afternoon
28 Other Capacity Building events Conferences Customized Blended-learning Cooperation with UNDP: Governance Assessment portal
29 Thank you for your attention! More information: