NOVA KUF & BOVA CC meeting Selfoss, Iceland, May 6, 2010 BOVA University Network activities in Ruta Zaleckite BOVA secretary
NOVA KUF & BOVA CC meeting Selfoss, Iceland, May 6, 2010 Base for activities BOVA UN continued its activities for 14th year. Activities and operation of BOVA UN is based on: BOVA University Network strategy for ; Yearly BOVA UN Action plans. Finacial base: Annual membership fee (join pool); Internal funds from each member institution; External funds (NORDPLUS, other national sources).
NOVA KUF & BOVA CC meeting Selfoss, Iceland, May 6, 2010 Basic Activities BOVA Intensive Master courses (internal & external funds); Jointly developed Master program (internal funds); BOVA Doctoral courses (internal &external funds); Mobility of Baltic doctoral students to the NOVA PhD courses (internal funds); Strengthening the cooperation with NOVA UN (Nordplus Network, NOVA/BOVA seminar); Competence rising activities for teaching staff; Development of e-learning system; Information services; Searching for external sources.
NOVA KUF & BOVA CC meeting Selfoss, Iceland, May 6, 2010 Joint Master programmes Jointly developed master programme “Management of Biodiversity and Multifunctional Landscapes” offered by EMU, partners LLU and LZUU. Some big modules were conducted at LLU (4 weeks + 4 weeks) and LZUU (4 weeks), but majority of modules were carried out at EMU. First admission of students was in Intensive courses were offered during 3 semesters and now during 4 th semester students are writing their master thesis. Planned number of graduates : 6 Courses were open to other BOVA students as well as to NOVA and ERASMUS students. This year will be next admission of students. Tuition fee: 2000 EUR per year
NOVA KUF & BOVA CC meeting Selfoss, Iceland, May 6, 2010 BOVA Intensive Master courses (BIMC) Number of offered courses in BIMC. Courses have involved 105 students and 50 lecturers. Among them 3 students and 1 teacher were from NOVA side. Nordplus mobility grant was used.
NOVA KUF & BOVA CC meeting Selfoss, Iceland, May 6, 2010 BOVA Intensive Master courses (BIMC) 4 BIMC courses were accepted for of them were offered in spring semester. The number of NOVA students is increasing. Course on “Woody biomass plantations: option for cost-effective mitigation of climate change effects” at LLU had even 12 NOVA students; Course on “Game Animals Population Management “at LZUU – 5 NOVA students.
NOVA KUF & BOVA CC meeting Selfoss, Iceland, May 6, 2010 International courses in cooperation with NOVA NOVA/BOVA course for Sustainable pig production on bachelors’ level (leader Dan Rantzer, SLU). 2 weeks course – 1st week in Sweden, 2nd week in Estonia. Teachers team: SLU (4), EMU (3) and LLU(1). Students were accepted 15 (1 SLU, 12 EMU, 2 LVA). Course financially supported by Nordplus 50 %, by NOVA as well by EMU and LLU. This course was offered the second time and the third round for this course was planned for 2010, but this idea was postponed to the year 2011.
NOVA KUF & BOVA CC meeting Selfoss, Iceland, May 6, 2010 BOVA Intensive Doctoral courses (BIDC) 1 BOVA doctoral course was offered in 2009 and 1 Doctoral course is planned for The process of development of doctoral courses is less active as it was expected.
NOVA KUF & BOVA CC meeting Selfoss, Iceland, May 6, 2010 Baltic doctoral students in NOVA PhD courses NOVA UN relieves BOVA doctoral students from participation fee (200 EUR) at the NOVA PhD courses for the 2009 and This opportunity have used: In 2009: 15 students participated in 8 NOVA PhD courses. In 2010: 4 students participated in 2 courses and 5 more BOVA students are accepted in 3 other courses (figures are not very precise)
NOVA KUF & BOVA CC meeting Selfoss, Iceland, May 6, 2010 Cooperation with NOVA UN on Doctoral level I. NOVA course took place in BOVA member institution: Applied Statistics with R for the Agricultural, Life and Veterinary Sciences LLU, Jelgava, Latvia in 2009 This course will be run again in August 2010 at LLU. This is still a single example of running NOVA courses in Baltics. II. Involvement in NOVA PhD course teachers team: NOVA PhD course: Forage evaluation in small ruminant nutrition 1 teacher from LLU was involved.
NOVA KUF & BOVA CC meeting Selfoss, Iceland, May 6, 2010 BOVA Working group of e-learning specialists Established by the end of the For the development of e-activities will be used one system for all member institutions based on Moodle platform. Main task was given to the WG: development of the quality requirements for BOVA Intensive courses. The final version will be presented to the BOVA CC by the end of May. Other tasks of this group are: Development of recommendations to the teaching staff on the development of e-courses; Offering courses for teaching staff on the methodology of development of e-courses Practical assistance in the development of courses.
NOVA KUF & BOVA CC meeting Selfoss, Iceland, May 6, 2010 NOVA/BOVA Nordplus Network 2008/ NOVA/BOVA Nordplus network a) mobility In 2008/2009 the BOVA universities where added in NOVA Nordplus application BOVA UN used mainly the express mobility for mobilities inside Baltics. BOVA have used 22 student mobilities and 4 teachers’ mobilities in total 26 mobilities. Total number of mobilities was for NOVA/BOVA: 127 b) network meetings EMU have hosted Nordplus meeting in Tartu on March for Nordplus coordinators and study advisors. c) NOVA/BOVA seminar in Kaunas “Development and Planning of Joint Intensive master courses” held in August 17-18, 2009, participated 40 persons Intensive master courses applied by BOVA secretariat directly and 1 bachelor level course applied by NOVA secretariat.
NOVA KUF & BOVA CC meeting Selfoss, Iceland, May 6, 2010 NOVA/BOVA Nordplus Network 2009/2010 NOVA/BOVA Nordplus network a) mobility BOVA had 39 express mobilities, 3 long mobilities and 6 teachers mobilities. This year situation is changed and mobilities were used not only inside Baltics but as well to Nordic. Total used grant: EUR b) network meetings All BOVA coordinators participated at the Nordplus meeting in March 8-9, Norway, UMB and NVH and visited both institutions. c) intensive course “Sustainable pig production” was approved and performed. (total number of applied courses was 4).
NOVA KUF & BOVA CC meeting Selfoss, Iceland, May 6, 2010 NOVA/BOVA Nordplus Network 2009/2010 Looking forward for the results of the application. Good practice of NOVA/BOVA Network is disseminated after the NOVA/BOVA seminar in Kaunas “Development and Planning of Joint Intensive master courses” by the article on the Nordplus webpage: “Crossing borders in agricultural education” ework_general_news/crossing_borders_in_agricultural_education
NOVA KUF & BOVA CC meeting Selfoss, Iceland, May 6, 2010 NOVA/BOVA Students’ activities The communication between NOVA and BOVA students initiated by NSF has started. This year in February NSF had a meeting in Latvia at LLU were was invited also BOVA students’ Unions representatives.
NOVA KUF & BOVA CC meeting Selfoss, Iceland, May 6, 2010 Fund raising activities Became more urgent task as the internal funds are limited. The negotiable sources: NORDPLUS LLP/ERASMUS IP or other actions TEMPUS ERASMUS MUNDUS.
NOVA KUF & BOVA CC meeting Selfoss, Iceland, May 6, 2010 Thank you !