Tariq Mahmoud 04101968 - Tammoun/Palestine 1975-1987 Schooling in Palestine 1991  Germany 1993  Physics in Mainz 2000 PhD in Heidelberg 2005 PostDoc.


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Presentation transcript:

Tariq Mahmoud Tammoun/Palestine Schooling in Palestine 1991  Germany 1993  Physics in Mainz 2000 PhD in Heidelberg 2005 PostDoc in Brussels

Physikalisches Institut: The ALICE Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) PhD of Tariq Mahmoud Physikalisches Institut Universität Heidelberg

Properties of QCD The strong interaction has two fundamental puzzles: confinement and mass (m p = 938MeV, m u  5MeV, m d  10MeV.) At high temperature and/or baryon density both puzzles are resolved phase transition Hadrons  Quark Gluon Plasma QGP thermalization QG P Mixed phase Hadron gas Heavy Ion Collisions

The ALICE Experiment ITS Low p t tracking Vertexing ITS Low p t tracking Vertexing TPC Tracking, dE/dx TPC Tracking, dE/dx TRD Electron ID TRD Electron ID TOF PID ( K, p, p ) TOF PID ( K, p, p ) HMPID PID high p t HMPID PID high p t PHOS g,  0 PHOS g,  0 PMD g multiplicity PMD g multiplicity MUON m + m - pairs MUON m + m - pairs ALICE Central Barrel ACB good particle identification large acceptance optimize chamber parameters build a prototype and test it on its mechanical and electrostatic stability test it in a beam on its PID capability are we able to access the Quarkonia in the ACB? how significant is our signal? can we resolve the individual states?

Transition Radiation (TR) -Photons are emitted if a relativistic charged particle traverses a boundary between two media with different dielectric constants (  1   2 ) TR  |  2 -  1 |,  Lorenz factor  L = (E/mc) TR at  L = Ionization gas (Xe/CO 2 ), Particles create ion-electron pairs. Secondary electrons drift along an electric field. Detection at read-out pads. A total of 1.2 Millions read-out channels. The ALICE Transition Radiation Detector optimize chamber parameters build a prototype and test it on its mechanical and electrostatic stability test it in a beam on its PID capability are we able to access the Quarkonia in the ACB? how significant is our signal? can we resolve the individual states? Radiator Driftvolumen Auslese-Sandwich Drähte

The ALICE Transition Radiation Detector optimize chamber parameters build a prototype and test it on its mechanical and electrostatic stability test it in a beam on its PID capability are we able to access the Quarkonia in the ACB? how significant is our signal? can we resolve the individual states? Einfluss durch Überdruck Der Radiator wird um 400  m/mbar nach außen gewölbt. Der Radiator wird um 5.2  m/kg nach außen gewölbt. Einfluss der Drahtspannung Gesamtwölbung: 900  m

The ALICE Transition Radiation Detector optimize chamber parameters build a prototype and test it on its mechanical and electrostatic stability test it in a beam on its PID capability are we able to access the Quarkonia in the ACB? how significant is our signal? can we resolve the individual states? Measured 5 cha. (CERN PS), Extrapolated to 6 chambers Extrapolated to high momentum

The ALICE Transition Radiation Detector optimize chamber parameters build a prototype and test it on its mechanical and electrostatic stability test it in a beam on its PID capability are we able to access the Quarkonia in the ACB? how significant is our signal? can we resolve the individual states? Extrapolated to high momentum optimize chamber parameters build a prototype and test it on its mechanical and electrostatic stability test it in a beam on its PID capability are we able to access the Quarkonia in the ACB? how significant is our signal? can we resolve the individual states? PH D PH D

IIHE (ULB & VUB) Elementary Particle Physics in the CMS Collaboration Tariq Mahmoud Tariq MahmoudULB

Extra Dimensions Solve the hierarchy problem by space-time geometry modification Experimental signatures - 1/r2 law deviations at small distances - Direct/indirect observation of KK particles 2 classes of models: - Large scale ED (ADD) & - Randall-Sundrum HIER: variation of the ADD model, ED scale R c ~Tev -1 At least 2 large ED where gravity propagates 1 small ED with R c =1/M c ~Tev -1 where gauge bosons propagate Appearance of Kaluza-Klein towers of states for gauge boson fields:  (n), Z (n) (W (n),g (n) )

TeV-electrons (photons) nice signal ;-) M c (TeV)M cut (TeV)S(100)S(20)S(1) but energy correction(s) and electronics saturation

Energy Correction E rec /E gen  E rec /E gen  1 Correction function f(E,  )

s1 Electronics Saturation saturation of the hottest cell S1 S right S left S up S down Y=Log[S right /S left ], X=Log[S up /S down ] f=a 0 +a 1 x 2 +a 2 y 2 * a 3 exp(a 4 x 2 +a 5 y 2 )

Electronics Saturation Saturation of the hottest cell mission possible

Gestern lernte ich einen Buchstabe Und ich dachte ich sei wissend, Heute lernte ich zwei dazu Und ich entdeckte, Dass mir noch fünfundzwanzig fehlen. ألبارحه تعلمت حرفاً فظنَنتُني عالماً, اليوم تعلمت إثنين إلى ذلك فأدركت أنني ما زِلت أجهل ستةً وعشرين ألبارحه تعلمت حرفاً فظنَنتُني عالماً, اليوم تعلمت إثنين إلى ذلك فأدركت أنني ما زِلت أجهل ستةً وعشرين ThanX