LIA-FKPPL Workshop, Sungkyunkwan U, Seoul, March 15-16, 2010. KIhyeon Cho (KISTI) and Aurore Savoy-Navarro (LPNHE) CDF in FKPPL.


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Presentation transcript:

LIA-FKPPL Workshop, Sungkyunkwan U, Seoul, March 15-16, KIhyeon Cho (KISTI) and Aurore Savoy-Navarro (LPNHE) CDF in FKPPL

Contents The CDF experiment The French and Korean LIA teams The Physics project The e-Science project LIA-CDF Activities and Plan 2

Fermi National Laboratory 20 miles west of Chicago, USA Fermilab (Illinois) 3

Fermilab accelerator complex and CDF 9/9/20154CDF-LIA, FKPPL in Lyon, 2009

The CDF Collaboration North America  34 institutions Europe  21 institutions Asia  8 institutions The CDF Collaboration  15 Countries  63 institutions  635 authors France group, LPNHE/ CNRS-IN2P3&UPMC and ParisVII Universities Korea group, KISTI, Chonnam, KNU, SNU, SKKU, Chonbuk The CDF Collaboration 9/9/20155CDF-LIA, FKPPL in Lyon, 2009

J. Konigsb

France-Korea group J. Konigsb

The French and Korean LIA teams

CDF group in France (since 2004) Catalin Ciobanu (LPNHE/IN2P3- CNRS) Alisa Savelyeva (PhD at LPNHE) + collaboration with CCIN2P3 (Ghita Rahal) et al. Delivered 3 PhD theses: E. BenHaim (2004), S. Tourneur (2006), G.P. di Giovanni (2008) Hosted 3 postdocs since 2004: S. Sarkar, J.Piedra and A. Sidoti Aurore Savoy- Navarro (LPNHE/IN2P3- CNRS) Matteo Corbo (PhD at LPNHE) Valeri Saveliev Associated LPNHE Nidal Ershaidat Associated LPNHE

Kihyeon Cho (KISTI) + 1 Postdoc Intae Yu (SKKU) + 1 student Soo-Bong Kim (SNU) + 2 PhD students DongHee Kim (KNU) + 1 PhD Student + 4 Postdoc Kyungkwang Joo (CNU) + 2 student CDF group in Korea 14

CDF-France members & research topics Name Topic of research Dr. Aurore Savoy-Navarro Bs Physics Top/Higgs into τ lepton(s) Dr. Catalin Ciobanu Top/Higgs into τ lepton(s). Also working on single top and W’ updated analyses. Alisa Savelyeva (Diploma student starts PhD June 2009) Bs Physics: Delta Gamma_s and sin2βs Prof. Valeri Saveliev Bs Physics Prof. Nidal Esrhaidat Bs Physics. In charge of CDF GRID at CCIN2P3 Matteo Corbo (PhD student since Oct 2008) Top into τ & impact in the Higgs sector (H + & H 0 ) Involvement in new CDF trigger The people mentioned here above is participating to the LIA activites and we expect to have a co-advising of PhD thesis between our 2 teams. 15

CDF-Korea members & research topics NameInstitute Topic of research Dr. Kihyeon ChoKISTIBs Physics, CDF Grid Prof. DongHee KimKNUBs Physics, New physics Searches Prof. Intae YuSKKUB Physics Prof. Soo-Bong KimSNUSingle Top & Top dilepton decays Prof. Kyung Kwang JooCNUTop Physics The people mentioned here above are participating to the LIA activities and we expect to have a co-advising of PhD thesis between our 2 teams. 16 => We also working with the phenomenologist both in France and Korea.

Status of LIA-CDF, 2009 Feb. 17, 2009 France-Korea CDF meeting (Ewha Women’s Univ.) Feb. 25~27 FKPPL Workshop, Lyon, France June 26, Korea CDF meeting for FKPPL (SNU) June 29~July 1, France-Korea CDF workshop, Paris, France Sep. 24, France-Korea CDF EVO Workshop meeting (Around World) Nov. 10, LIA-CDF 2010 Proposal Feb. 5, 2010, France-Korea CDF EVO workshop (EVO) Feb. 22, 2010 LIA-CDF Executive Meeting

CDF-LIA meetings LIA-CDF meeting in person –Date: :00-14:00 –Place: Seoul, Korea –Participant: Aurore Savoy-Navarro (IN2P3), Kihyeon Cho, Hyunwoo Kim (KISTI), Eun Ju Jeon(Sejong), Intae Yu (SKKU), Hyunsoo Kim (Chonbuk), Soo-Bong Kim (SNU), Youngdo Oh(Postech) –Contents Current Status Report Question about the goal of LIA-CDF Suggestion about FKPPL CDF Physics Workshop 18

Video Conference Meeting France-Korea CDF meeting (EVO) –Date: :00-20:00 (Korea Time) –Presenters: Aurore, Catalin, Matteo, Nicola, Nidal (IN2P3), Kihyeon (KISTI), Soo-Bong, Chang-Seong (SNU), Intae (SKKU), Kyungkwang (CNU), Chaehyun (Korea), etc. –Contents: Physics analysis - Top physics and Bs physics - Future plan France-Korea CDF meeting (EVO) –Date: :00-20:00 –Place: Seoul, Korea –Presenters: Aurore, Catalin, Matteo, Nicola, Nidal (IN2P3), Kihyeon, Soo-hyeon (KISTI), Jieun, DongHee (KNU) Chang-Seong (SNU), Y.G. Kim (KIAS), etc. –Contents: Physics analysis Current Status Report Suggestion about FKPPL CDF Physics Workshop

The 2009 France-Korea CDF Physics Workshop –Date: Monday June 29-Wednesdasy July 1 st, 2009 –Place: LPNHE / IN2P3-CNRS, Paris, France –Aim: To estabilish physics and define collaborative efforts –Agenda: First day, Monday June 29th, 2009 – B physics, CP violation in the Bs Sector Second day, Tuesday June 30th, 2009 – Top physics also opening the window of the Higgs Sector Third day, Wednesday July 1st, 2009 – Physics in Higgs sector and BSM –Participants: 30 persons from Korea, France, USA, Italy, Germany, Russia etc.

The Physics Project - top - Bs

Developing common interest in Top/Higgs searches Both Korea and France have been working on top Physics: => top into dileptons (Korea) => top into dilepton including one τ lepton (France) => single top (Korea and France) We are developing a common research project: based on the acquired experience of both teams on top Physics; focused on the study of top pairs into τ leptons and as by-product the search for Higgs into τ pairs and charged Higgs into τ ν τ This common research will bring an interesting breakthrough with the data recorded with the total Tevatron Luminosity (may be even a discovery if the τ-channel is favoured ?) and it will be instrumental for the LHC. =>Need of large amount of MC production (KISTI and CCIN2P3) and we also intend to include now data handling in both centers. 9/9/2015

Status of Top physics Single top Top into dileptonic –2 taus –Dileptonic –M T2 method (by phenomenologist) ttbar forward-backward asymmetry (by phenomenologist)

J. Konigsb

J. Jung


Fr-Kr CDF Meeting(2/5/2 010) Chang-Seong Moon, Seoul National University 28 Preliminary DIL Cross Section For pre-tag signal events For b-tag signal events C.S. Moon

MT2 distributions for b-tagged Dilepton events (Full Monte Carlo) with various top masses at CDF (CDF note 9679) 29 Y.G. Kim

J. Konigsb

S-h. Nam

B Physics common searches Physics stream – B physics with different data based on   and 2 track triggers mainly for Bs Mixing (CDF discovery in 2006) pursuing since two years on CP violation studies in the Bs sector – Same physics streams Bs → J/ψ Φ: CP violation related studies – CP even and odd measurement: sin2βs (France) ( started by G.P. di Giovanni and A. Savoy-Navarro now continuing with N. Ershaidat and soon A. Savelyeva and V. Saveliev) – B → J/ψ K *0 competitive results with Babar/Belle (France) – Bs → J/ψ Φ, ψ(2S) Φ (Korea) – Bs → J/ψ Φ, using new PID (dE/dx andTOF) and TTT (Two Track Trigger) => sin2βs (France) => The Bs sector is crucial Physics for searches beyond standard model. 9/9/2015CDF-LIA, FKPPL in Lyon,

Status of Bs physics CPV in Bs physics –Bs -> J/psi phi –Dimuon (DIM) Sample –Two Track Trigger (TTT) Sample Bs -> J/psi phi pi pi

J. Konigsb

N. D’Ascenzo Bs -> J/psi phi (TTT)

N. D’Ascenzo Bs -> J/psi phi (TTT)

Sep. 24, 2009 LPNHE37 Signal – (All Cuts) m Bs =  GeV/c 2 One should compare these two plots! N. Ershaidat Bs -> J/psi phi (TTT)Bs -> J/psi phi (DIM)

N. Ershaidat

D.J. Kong

Data Production –Remote Control Room at KISTI Data Processing –Pacific CAF => Nam CAF (KISTI) –LCG CAF (IN2P3) Data Analysis –Video Conferences using EVO every quarter –KISTI, IN2P3, Fermilab and etc. The e-Science Project

Data Analysis collaborative Data Processing Data Production Data Center EVO (Enabling Virtual Organization) Video Conference (every quarter) Fermilab, USAKISTI IN2P3 e-Science

CDF Remote Control KISTI

CDF has lots of data to process.

Status of CDF KISTI KISTI Farm (Jan., 2010) –Transition from Pacific CAF to Nam CAF Pacific CAFNam CAF TeamHigh Energy Physics TeamNSDC Team PersonKihyeon ChoHaengjin Jang Node nameKR-KISTI-HEPKISTI-NCSD Work 25 cores304 cores Head NodeAcademia Sinica, Taiwan Fermilab, USA OSg-LiteOSG farm Duration~ 2009At the end of 2009 ~


LIA-CDF Activities

Publications (I) Korea group has published JKPS (Journal of the Korean Physical Society) special edition Vol. 55, No.2 ( ). –Aurore contributed our CDF work –Title: The third generation as probes for new physics: the CDF case KISTI published the book titled “e-Science All Hands meeting” by Springer. –Aurore has participated as an editor.

Publications (II) The Data Processing of e-Science for High Energy Physics –M.Jeung, H.Kim, K.Cho et al, JKPS, Vol. 55, No. 5 (2009) High Energy Physics based on FKPPL –K. Cho and S. Hwang, NewPhysics, vol 59 (2009) Search for Charged Higgs Boson Decaying into top –CDF Collaboration, PRL103, (2009). –46 more papers

52 Korea Group France Group

The contents of Collaboration We have exchanged visitors in –Aurore visited Korea on Feb. 15~19. –Kihyeon visited France on Feb 24~28 and June. –7 Korean CDF members have visited LPNHE, Paris on June 28-July 2. We have performed analysis in close collaboration(ex. Top & Bs physics).

The Contents of Collaboration We have done one offline-workshop and two video-conferences. We have communicated with a lot via phone or EVO. We collaborate together for the publication in journals and a book. Both of us are working together with phenomenologist.

Plan We will host a workshop every year –June 28~30(?) 2010, The 2nd France-Korea CDF Physics Daegu, Korea Half-day video conference meeting once per quarter 3:00 PM (Korea Time) For student, we consider double degree. Or after getting his/her Ph.D we consider him/her about European fellowship.

Thank you.