Innovation and Dentistry: Dr BN Mua BDS, MPH, MBA 2/7/2014 KNH Symposium
Intr’ Innovation Process of translating an idea into a good/product or procedure/service that creates value for which people can pay. Or a process of translating or that renews an already existing service/ product Innovation is not introduction of something entirely new
Intr’ For innovation to take place, it is necessary for people to change the way they make decisions, do things differently and do things outside their norm To be called an innovation, the idea must must have an economic value and satisfy a specific need Requires one to be informed, imaginative and initiative to deliver value from available resources
contd Innovation requires a blend of creativity, clear thinking and ability to get things done ie requires thinkers and doers to work closely Innovation is an important driver of the economy {consider M Pesa, e learning etc } It is key and instrumental for growth of individuals businesses (dental practices), organizations (KNH, UoN, KMTC, public hospitals etc) and National economies
Characteristics of innovative minds Organizational Free flow of information which allow executives to find new ideas from unexpected place Close and frequent contact between depts with emphasis on both lateral and vertical relationships to provide resources, Information and support
contd Tradition of working in teams and share credit Senior executives belief in innovation and avail resources to managers Managers with ability to seize opportunities and make time available for innovation
contd Individuals Be a risk taker/courage Be imaginative Define clearly the aims and expected benefits of your initiative Be persuasive Elicit support from colleagues/peers/superiors
contd Good at getting people to act Power to mobilize support and resources Ability to deal with opposition Ability to maintain momentum- especially after the initial enthuasiasm wanes out
Benefits of being creative/innovative i.Institutional/Individual Sustainable competitive advantage ii.Individual/ Institutional excellence
Creativity – much more complex in process and more original than innovation. Very rewarding when successfully done.
Strategies for service delivery innovations 1. Create higher customer value {decide appropriately} 2. Increase customer satisfaction by developing e.g individualised customer intimacy, etc 3. Carry out product innovations – new product categories, new brands, new services, increase speed, timings 4. Build distinctive capabilities- both tangible and intangible
contd Tangible Intellectual property rights Exclusive licences Intangible strong brand names as individuals, institutions Strong leaderships- institutional and individual Tacit knowledge and skill eg relationships, norms, cultures, sop etc. Add explicit skill Organizational culture
contd Functional business processes and partinerships
contd 5. Focus on systemic innovation rather linear innovation 6. Consider radical technological innovations 7. Innovate most/all the processes 8. Create new and adaptable business models as opposed to perfecting traditional business models
Concluding remarks Embrace customer driven economy attitude Appreciate that the business/practice of dentistry environment is rapidly changing Realize that products and services have life cycle. The shorter the better{ if you understand the technology, it is obselete}
contd Recognize that the business environment is rapidly changing (It is not the big that eats the small, it is the fast that eats the slow) Recognize Globalization of world economies, technologies and innovations Appreciate the role of knowledge based entrepreneurial economy driven by innovative technology
contd It is not the strongest nor the most intelligent of the species that survive, it is the one most adaptable to change Charles Darwin