SE 204, IES 506 – Human Computer Interaction Lecture 1: Introduction Lecturer: Gazihan Alankuş Please look at the last two slides for assignments (marked with TODO) 2/10/20121
Briefly Not a coding-heavy class But there will be some coding, related to creating prototypes – Free to use any technology – You may have to learn it by yourself… Weekly homeworks and reading assignments 2/10/20122
Outline Me Logistics of class Class You HOMEWORK 1!!! 2/10/20123
Outline Me Logistics of class Class You HOMEWORK 1!!! 2/10/20124
Instructor Dr. Gazihan Alankuş METU, BS 2002, MS 2005 WUSTL, PhD 2011 Currently a Lecturer (no office…) Background – Some industry experience (including Google) – I do research on games and HCI – Now I get to teach games and HCI – reasonable > idealistic Please use for class- related 2/10/20125
Can you understand me? English language is just a tool, not a goal. – The goal is to communicate and learn. Stop me when you don’t understand something. In general, be active in class. 2/10/20126
Outline Me Logistics of class Class You HOMEWORK 1!!! 2/10/20127
Logistics Basically – Attendance (except today) – Homeworks / projects – Midterm – Final 2/10/20128
Logistics SE 204 – Homeworks Optional: join a graduate student in his/her project for bonus in homework grade – Reading assignments from book – Standard exams IES 506 – Homeworks and projects Grade undergraduates that join your group – Reading assignments from book and academic papers – Standard exams with extra questions 2/10/20129 We have undergraduate (SE 204) and graduate students (IES 506) Similar to quality to graduate HCI classes taught in the US
Logistics Website – Reach from my homepage (Google me if you must) Slides and extra material Google group – I will send announcements using Google groups – IES 506 students: join groups of both classes please! 2/10/201210
Outline Me Logistics of class Class You HOMEWORK 1!!! 2/10/201211
Class How to design systems that interact best with users This is a new class, there can be mistakes… Syllabus will be updated soon: – – The book is accurate. You have to get the book for reading assignments Access online material 2/10/201212
Introduction to HCI by Caitlin Kelleher caitlin\introduction.ppt 2/10/201213
Questions? 2/10/201214
Outline Me Class – Unity – Games Logistics of class You HOMEWORK 1!!! 2/10/201215
Let’s get to know you (if you want) Introduce in detail, from where, etc. Registered? Why? What do you expect – from this class? – to see happen by the end of semester? Designed any interfaces in the past? How do you feel about it? 2/10/201216
TODO: Google Group Do either one of these: – Find the link to the Google group from class website – Or, send an to and I will invite your to the Google group. You will have to accept the I will use this for class announcements You can also send questions, comments, helpful tips, or announcements to it but I will moderate your s. 2/10/201217
TODO: Reading Assignment 1 Read Chapter 1 from your book: – Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant, Maxine Cohen, Steven Jacobs, 2009, Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective HumanComputer Interaction (5th Edition), Addison Wesley 2/10/201218