Brainstorming Suggestions (1) Tutorials: – Extend the free access period for the recorded tutorials. – Have a special industry application tutorials track each year. – How might we use the recordings to build closer ties to our member Societies? Finance: – What level of reserves is our target? – What level of over-budget plans should we prepare? – Develop a support program for Chapters (they submit proposals for support for an activity?) Distinguished Lecturers: – What is the strategic objective of our DL program? – What level of funding should it receive? Administration: – Hold the Meetings Committee session prior to the AdCom. – Establish a continuing Council Tutorials/Education Committee to organize the annual SENSORS offerings. – Establish a continuing Council Industry Committee to organize exhibits at the annual SENSORS Conference.
Brainstorming Suggestions (2) Conferences: – Improve approaches for vetting proposed conference sites and local organizing committees. – Clarify the locality characteristics that we prize in choosing venues for IEEE SENSORS. – With SENSORS as our flagship conference, how do we fit other conferences into our activities? – What criteria should we use to accept additional conferences or workshops? – Do we want SENSORS to have a substandard exhibit component? – What is the strategic purpose of Camtasia? – Satellite conference with SENSORS 20XX – Industry Participation: Include special sessions with no papers, only presentations, with no entries into IEEE Xplore. – Organize more social events for young professionals. – Provide free beer at conferences. – Hold regional conferences in the 2 years when SENSORS is elsewhere. – Can we learn, from the best practices of member Societies, ideas for expanding SENSORS and/or its exhibits program? Publications: – Newsletter: How should be change its focus? Should it be renamed?
Brainstorming Suggestions (3) AdCom: – Engage the Society representatives more closely into our conference planning process. – Establish a policy that an appointed Society alternate becomes the Society representative when the current representative’s term expires (unless the Society President specifically designates a replacement representative). – Examine AdCom membership practices of our member societies to explore ways to keep senior volunteers engaged (in ways beyond ExCom membership). – Should we consider expanding the number of member Societies? Awards: – Simplify the procedure (no recommendation letters at the initial stage... this is discouraging). – Revise the GOLD award eligibility (to 5 years post PhD, and experience)? – Expand the program to give more appreciation for accomplishments, and thus inspire volunteers’ and students’ participation in Council activities. – Expand to two GOLD awards, one for industry and one for academics.
Brainstorming Suggestions (4) Students: – Travel support – Summer school on sensors – Explore an internship program funded by industry. – Student Leadership Committee (volunteers to help at conference, Camtasia, certificate of appreciation, acknowledge at Awards Luncheon, input to Best Student Paper Award?) Publicity: – Ask Society representatives to advertise Council activities (awards, conf., etc.) in monthly magazines and websites of their Societies. – What level of over-budget plans should we prepare? – Advertise conference in trade journals at least 3 months before event. – Publish information on conference/exhibits to potential NDIA engineering and specific areas of expertise. – Social Media: How might we exploit these communication channels? – List: Create a group ( ing list) between the AdCom and the world (AdCom + Editorial Board + TPC + ?).