Horsham Leisure Link Presentation to Scrutiny Committee
Presenters Ian Ford Sports Development Officer Paul Taylor Community Recreation Officer Street football at the Sussex Youth Games
Team Structure Two permanent full-time core officers Two fixed term full-time coach/officers in cricket/hockey and multisports Ten part-time coach/officers, including specialists in walking, disability, netball, outdoor pursuits, streetsports and table tennis 20 other casual coaches Pool of 65 volunteers New Age Kurling and Short Mat Bowls activity
Approach Pragmatic Entrepreneurial Consistent Customer caring Action-focussed Mark Hawkins (England handball player) at Sparks in the Park
Partners Other HDC sections Schools/colleges Sports clubs Leisure centres Governing bodies Active Sussex Sport England Commercial groups Saxon Weald Primary Care Trust Parish Councils Other local authorities Youth clubs YMCA Disability groups Sports- coach UK You Can Do It! trampoline group
Outputs and Outcomes 2009/10 Outputs Generated 82,069 attendances over 4946 sessions Operative in 50 schools Supported 42 clubs 457 disability and 97 older people sessions 502 health walks delivered from 15 villages Supported local partners to secure £67,800 funding Established 12 new groups in 9 villages Life is for Living at the Drill Hall Outcomes Strong and diversified sports club community Active People: adult partici- pation rose by 1.5% in 2009 Contribution to antisocial behaviour reduction of 33% in Storrington Access to young disabled people significantly increased in swimming, gymnastics and trampolining
Disability Participation Ready and Able Sports Club Forest Flyers FC You Can Do It! support Fibromyalgia yoga Cricket development Special schools support A QE2 school student competing in a disability athletics competition at Muntham House school Video case study Aiming High for Disabled Children
Older People Chair-based exercise Residential homes support 50+ table tennis growth Life is for Living support 50+ clubs Table tennis pilot at Henfield Day Centre
Health Walks Over 10,000 walks attendances per year 42 volunteer leaders Popular with older people but a number of people with mental health problems and disabilities also attend People enjoying a HDC health walk in winter
Rural Outreach Streetsports project Swimming development School support Goalkeeper development session in Henfield Case study Table Tennis Development New club sections in Storrington, Billingshurst and Steyning Proliferation of school coaching and competition Inclusive strands – 50+, care homes and disability
Female Participation Girls football support and growth Netball development and growth for adults and juniors Gymnastics supply increase New girls cricket sections fostered Case study Rudgwick Netball Club Start-up Community coach Ongoing support Smiles from the winners of the Horsham District Primary School Netball League
Young People Unemployed Semi-sporty Club set-up, support and regeneration Specialist Holiday Obesity Disaffected teenagers Winning Horsham District athletics team at 2007 Sussex Youth Games Case Study Storrington Football 12 disaffected boys, 20 weeks, working with youth service, antisocial behaviour reduced
Economic and Leadership Outputs and Outcomes 2009/10 Outputs Operative in 9 leisure centres, 3 village halls and 10 other venues Recruited 49 new volunteers and trained work experience students supported 6 Future Jobs created 16 young volunteers supported Urban rebounding at Ready and Able Outcomes Strong and diversified sports club community 41 volunteers ‘enabled’ in 11 villages 4 full-time and 12 part- time jobs supported
Economic Contribution Leisure facility support Funding leverage Future Jobs Fund programme Careers advice and support Job creation HDC Future Job staff supervising a new girls football team at an event
Leadership Development Young leader development Club and coach support – coach education and network building Volunteer opportunities One of Horsham Youth Cycling Club’s young volunteers Case study Community Multisports Coach Work experience Family problems Enthusiasm built on Now an invaluable asset delivering a range of sports to a range of client groups
Summary Significant impact in delivering council priorities particularly healthier, safer and stronger communities Strong brand and wide customer base High return (£220k) on a relatively small investment (£63k)