Wednesday 17th September
All Year Groups Pollokshields Community Centre 15 Kenmure Street, G41 2NT Wednesday ’ s pm Starting on the 3 rd September 2014 For Girls aged years old who would like to be involved in a 16 week enterprise project. You will take part in a range of creative art skills working towards creating saleable craft items. To sign up please contact the reception at Pollokshields Community Centre. Please be aware that spaces are limited. Be inspired to be creative!
Clubs Badminton Miss Dickman All year groups 3pm – 4pm GSOS Hall (You MUST bring a change of trainers!) Football Mr McCloy All year groups 3.10pm – 4.10pm Ibrox Complex Vocal Group Mr Fraser All staff and pupils pm Music Room 2
S5/6 Higher Maths books The Maths department have received some maths books back following the bulletin/text/website messages. If you still have a Maths book please return it ASAP as some pupils are still without a Maths book as a result. Career Advisor Alison is NOT IN school today. She will be back tomorrow for lunchtime drop ins. Look out for the names of those with appointments in the bulletin on Monday. UCAS Assembly At the end of the assembly today, all UCAS candidates are asked to wait behind. Mrs Rashid has important information to pass on. Commonwealth Apprenticeship Jobs Fair If you are thinking about College/Apprenticeship/Work based career paths then this is for you. There are sign up sheets at the front on the stage. Please add your name to the list if you are interested. This is not suitable for UCAS candidates.
February 2016 Ski Trip S4&S5 only Are you a keen skier? Have you always wanted to learn? If so… now is your chance – at one of the best resorts in Europe. If you are interested or would like more information Miss Dickman and Mr Sim will be holding a meeting in Maths 5 TODAY. Come along to find out more!
S3 Newspaper Appeal Miss McLaughlin and the Technologies department are collecting old newspapers/magazines. If you have a few at home, could you please bring them in and pass them to her. Morrisons Let’s Grow! The school is collecting Morrisons’ Let’s Grow Vouchers which help us to get gardening equipment for the school garden. If you hand vouchers into Home Economics or RE, then we’ll make sure they get put to good use. You can hand them in up till the beginning of November.
S2 Under 14’s Football Team The U14s have their first football match competing for the Glasgow Cup. This will take place today against Stonelaw High School at Toryglen football Centre near Hampden. If you have time, come along and cheer us on.
S1 Under 14’s Football Team The U14s have their first football match competing for the Glasgow Cup. This will take place today against Stonelaw High School at Toryglen football Centre near Hampden. If you have time, come along and cheer us on.