Who You Are!
Look at your results for 4 corners I will tell you which corner represented which color How do your results match up? Looking at the three tests, can you come up with one or two colors that describe you the best?
THERE IS NO RANKING OF THE COLORS. We need each color in our world, society, and school to bring out the best results Very often, we are born with our color Others who know you well, can even see which color you are at a very young age. This is not an excuse or a crutch It is a tool. (Why are you needed in the world?!) The best businesses in the world bring in all four of these colored people to solve problems for them. We have to be able to work with anyone.
Example: Jay is very fast but lacks upper body strength Kay is strong in strength but can’t run very fast Can Jay get strong and Kay get fast? YES!!!!! How? Practice! Just because you may struggle in one area, doesn’t mean you will never be good. You just need extra work. ALSO, even if you are strong in an area, you still can improve and should work on growing.
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