RuralUrbanTribalTotalSCSTOBCGeneralOthers Total ii) Child Population(ICDS ) Category Population as (ICDS Household Survey Register) Children 6 months – 3 years Children 3 years – 6 years i) Population ( ICDS) as per Household Survey Register) Situation and Gap Analysis Socio-economic and demographic profile of the State
iii) Districts/Blocks (Rural/Urban/Tribal) Total No. of District/Blocks RuralUrbanTribal 7/41392 iv) Female Literacy Rate (ICDS) as per Household Survey Register) RuralUrbanTribal 54.03% v) Rural Connectivity All Weather road191 Seasonal Road (Difficult and unreached)551+ vi) No. of villages/habitations unreached or difficult to reach villages Vii) Population covered under ICDS – 5,76, year , PM/ NM , A.Gs – 57760
Nutrition and Health Status of Women and Children (ICDS) Status of Children 6 months to 6 years Normal % Moderate % Severely--1.18% Status of operationalization of AWCs/Mini- AWCs Total no. of AWCs sanctioned Total no. of AWCs operatio- nalised as on October, 2012 Total no. of Mini AWCs sanctioned as on October, 2012 Total no. of Mini AWCs operationalised Remarks One AWC under Court Case, 4 AWC which was sanctioned during as Anganwadi on Demand is under process for operational.
Infrastructure status of all operational AWC Buildings Operational AWCs Own building Rented building Pucca building Kuccha building OthersTotal Coverage of beneficiaries for supplementary nutrition and pre-school education, separately for three years Year SNP Pre-School 3-6 years 6 months – 6 years Pm/NM Adolescent Girls
Major gaps/constraints in programme implementation Inadequate infrastructure at the District and Block level Non interest of the parents to enroll the children for pre-school education. Geographical terrain of the State create difficulties to achieve full coverage supervision by Lady Supervisor centres in a month. Communication problem and shortage of Departmental vehicle. Govt. of India’s norms for house rent.
The State through ICDS Programme has catered children in the age group 0 – 6 years leaving another 1,27,461 population uncovered. The extension of the scheme to cover the uncovered targeted Child population would tremendously bring into a healthy State with future healthy citizen. Vision for the Development of Children & Women Vision Statement
Functionaries Total Sanctio ned Post In-position Salary/Honor arium per month Estimated Budgetary requirement for the FY (In Rs.) 1 State level functionaries District level functionaries casual employees Block level functionaries ( casual employees AWC level functionaries Grand Total 30,32,8536 (say Rs lakhs) 39,563,5811 (say Rs lakhs) Annual Action Plan – Programme Components A. Human Resource
Items Estimated budgetary requirement (Rs.) 1 State level Cell District Cell Block/Project level AWC level Total (say Rs lakhs) B. Procurement of Materials and Equipment
C Delivery of Services at AWCs I : Supplementary Nutrition (SN) Type of food 6 months to 3 years (Items in detail) 3 years to 6 years (Items in detail) P & L Women (Items in detail) Take Home Ration (THR) Fortified SujiFortified Dalia, Fortified Atta, Fortified Cheera,, Milkose Powder Bengal gram, Dried Peas, Soya Bean, Green peas, Ground nut (unskinned) Fortified Suji, atta, dalia, cherra, choco malt, Iodised Salt, and sugar Morning Snacks (Hot cooked meal) Fortified Dalia, Fortified,Atta Fortified Suji, Fortified Cheera, Milkose Powder Bengal gram, Dried Peas, Soya Bean, Green peas, Ground nut (unskinned) Fortified Suji, atta, dalia, cherra, choco malt, Iodised Salt, and sugar II Expenditure on Supplementary Nutrition during , – Budgetary allocation and actual expenditure incurred. YearBudget AllocationExpenditure CSSState ShareCSSState Share Rs lakhsRs lakhsRs lakhsRs lakhs Rs lakhsRs lakhsRs lakhsRs lakhs
Status of Supplementary Nutrition Beneficiaries Population as per AWWs survey register No. of beneficiaries (as on ) Target for current FY Unit cost (In Rs.) Budgetary requirement for current FY ( ) (Rs. Lakh) Means of verification (MPRs/UCs) Children 6 months – 3 years Rs MPR Children 3 – 6 years Rs MPR Pregnant Women Rs MPR Lactating mothers (with children below 6 months) Rs MPR Adolescent Girls Rs.2.30 & Rs MPR Total
Status of Pre-school Education No. of AWCs providing pre- school education (as on ) No. of children 3 – 6 yrs as per AWWs survey register (as on ) No. of 3-6 yrs children attended PSE for at least 16 days in the previous month (as on ) Target for the FY Estimated budget requirement for PSE kits Rs.1000 per kit per AWC per year & Rs. 250 per kit per mini AWCs ) Means of verification (MPRs/ASRs / UCs) 5114 (AWCs) (AWCs) 1234 (Mini AWCs) children lakhs 3.09 lakhs (Total lakhs) MPRs/ UCs 1234 (Mini AWCs) * Contents of PSE kits and supply positions during previous two years; Contents of PSE kits and supply positions during and Stuff toys, Rubber Ball, Kitchen set, Flash Card (story telling), Picture Chart & Book on animals, fruits, vegetables, etc., Colour and Shape, Cricket bat and ball (plastic), Leather Ball (Football) Nil
Immunization and Vitamin A Supply and composition of Medicine Kits during and : :3767 Target for Financial Year : 5156 Current immunization coverage rates in the state 67.17% (based on ICDS MPR) No. of AWCs received and provided Vita A during last year 4893 Health Check up Mechanism taken for Nutrition and Health Education 1.Counseling of mothers through discussion and presentation of pamphlets, flash cards, Nutrition & Health Education (NHED) kits during home visits. 2. Awareness Programmes at the village level on importance of breast feeding, food habits and health care etc. 3. Observation and celebration of Village Health Day, Breast Feeding Week and Nutrition Week.
Budgetary Allocation and Actual Expenditure incurred Govt. of India and State share YearBudget AllocationExpenditure CSSState ShareCSSState Share Main Scheme Rs SNP Rs Main Scheme Rs SNP Rs Main Scheme Rs SNP Rs Main Scheme Rs SNP Rs Main Scheme Rs SNP Rs Main Scheme Rs SNP Rs Main Scheme Rs SNP Rs Main Scheme Rs SNP Rs Rs. in lakhs
Estimated budgetary requirements for the FY ; Sl. No. Items Estimated budgetary requirement for FY A. MAIN SCHEME 1 Salaries of officers and staffs/Honorarium of AWWs and helpers Medical Treatment of officers and staffs Travel expenses Officers etc Hospitality Expenses at state and District level7.75 5Offices contingencies under NSS State level awards to AWWs under Rs.5000 per AWW per district.35 7Procurement of materials, Equipments. etc PSE Kits Medicine Kits IEC Monitoring and Evaluation19.61 Total (Rupees in lakhs)
Estimated budgetary requirements for the FY ; Sl. No. Items Estimated budgetary requirement for FY B. KSY, SABLA, IGMSY & Training Programme 1Implementation of KSY Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent girls(RGSEAG)-SABLA Indira Gandhi Matritava Sehyog Yojana IGMSY Conditional Maternity Benefit Scheme Training Programmes for functionaries of ICDS59.34 Total C. NUTRITION Supplementary Nutrition Programme for ICDS Scheme Total Grand Total A + B+ C (Rupees in lakhs)
Training and capacity building Training resources available in the State Training centresSanctionOperationalLocation Anganwadi Training Centre 22Shillong & Tura Middle level training centre 11Shillong Type of TrainingTotal no. of course Total no. of participant Total costAWTC/ MLTC Job : AWWs AWTC Ref: AWWs AWTC Orientation Helpers AWTC Ref: Helpers AWTC Job: Supervisors MLTC Ref: Supervisors MLTC Total (say Rs lakhs) Financial implication for Regular Training
Type of TrainingTotal no. of course Total no. of participan t Total costAWTC/ MLTC Nutrition counselling for CDPOs/ LS/ Nutritionist/ Health Functionaries MLTC Nutrition counselling for AWWs/ AWHs/ Mothers/ AGs AWTC Skills Training on Pre school education AWTC Training of the Community Leaders MLTC Total (Say Rs.4.21 lakhs) Financial implication for Innovative Training Estimated Expenditure Sl. No.ItemsAmount 1Regular Training Innovative Training4.21 3Establishment for AWTCs/ MLTC Replenishment/ Up-gradation / Monitoring and Administrative Cost 7.38 Total 59.34