Success at School Get to know your Counselor Talk out your problems Make decisions Help with classes Grade printouts
Counseling Services: Academic Planning Grades Schedule Changes Educational and Career Information Problem-Solving Suggestions/Ideas Peer and Social Concerns Personal and Family Challenges
Graduation Requirements A student must complete all graduation requirements before the graduation ceremony in order to participate. All students will take the KCCT Writing Exam. All students must complete a writing portfolio. All students must update their ILPs each year. (Individual Learning Plan)
Lafayette Graduation Requirements: 4 Credits English: English 1, 2, 3, and 4 3 Credits Math: Algebra 1, Geometry, and Alg II 3 Credits Science: Physical Science, Biology, and Earth/Space Science 3 Credits Social Studies: Citizenship, World Civilizations, and U. S. History 1 Credit Health/PE: ½ credit of each 1 Credit Visual/Performing Arts 11 Credits Electives: (Pre-college: Level 2 of Foreign Language) 26 TOTAL CREDITS Henry Clay - 7 electives and 22 Total
Credits Needed for Promotion To Become a Sophomore: 6 Credits To Become a Junior: 12 Credits To Become a Senior: 18 Credits To Graduate in Credits Henry Clay Students: 5, 10, Total
Skills for Promotion! Participate in class Ask questions Use reference books, textbooks, library, and the internet Listen and take notes Use your Agenda to list assignments and refer to it (Agenda) in the evening when completing homework Devote some time EVERY night to review/homework Complete assignments and turn them in ON TIME Study for Tests and Quizzes Attend ESS sessions when needed
College Information Files with information on particular colleges are located in the back of the counseling office across from Mrs. Adams’ office. If you have trouble finding up-to-date information on a college of interest, let your counselor know. A set of the College Admissions Data Handbook is located on the shelf above the college files. Information on every college/university in the country can be found in these books.
Remember KEES Scholarship $$$$$ The grades you earn each year (your GPA) can earn you $$$ for educational goals after high school. If you earn at least a 2.5 unweighted GPA each year, you will earn $$$. The higher your GPA each year, the more you earn. The money can be used for college, technical/vocational school, or special training schools such as business, computer, hair design, etc.
Ways to Assist Your Success in High School: Attend School and All Classes Every Day Keep a Positive Attitude about School and Learning Participate in Extra-Curricular or Co-Curricular Activities Establish Goals for Your Future (ILP and Coin3) Utilize Programs (ESS) and Services Available to You at LHS
Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities Academic Team Art Club Band Beta Club Chorus DECA Environmental Club FBLA French Club Freshman Class Key Club National Honor Society Newspaper Orchestra Powder Puff Football Spanish Club Speech/Drama Team Student Council Yearbook
College Information Access to ILP (Individual Learning Plan) and College/Career Search Access to (Kentucky College and Career Information Search) College Reps visit your school through the Counseling office. Central Kentucky College Fair in October (Heritage Hall) National Christian College Fair in September
Financial Aid/ Scholarships FAFSA forms will be available in the guidance office in December. Financial aid workshop in January to help students and parents with the FAFSA form. Scholarship list on school website.
KEES Scholarship Money Students must have a 2.5 unweighted GPA for a particular year to earn KEES money. The only classes that are given weighted credit for KEES are AP courses. Each student’s highest ACT score is submitted at the end of the senior year. Students must earn at least 5 credits each year to qualify for KEES money.
ACT/SAT If you are going to college and have not taken the ACT or SAT, it is very important that you take them in order to meet application deadlines. ACT and SAT packets are available in the counseling office or you can register online at and
Benefits of Higher Education Better jobs More money, greater financial security Fewer people on welfare Better access to health care Greater community service Less criminal activity and fewer people in prison Lower unemployment rate
Selective Service System Registration Men who are 17 or 18 years old Men who register stay eligible for: – Student loans and grants – Job training – Government jobs – U.S. Citizenship (male immigrants) Register the fastest and easiest way on the internet: