Leisure Any freely chosen activity or experience that takes place in non-work time.
Recreation A leisure time activity undertaken voluntarily and for enjoyment. It includes individual pursuits, organized outings and events, and non-paid (non-professional) sports.
Sport A physical activity involving a set of rules or customs. The activity may be competitive.
Tourism Travel away from home for at least one night for the purpose of leisure. Note that this definition excludes day-trippers. There are many possible subdivisions of tourism. Sub-groups include:
ecotourism tourism focusing on the natural environment and local communities
heritage tourism tourism based on a historic legacy (landscape feature, historic building or event) as its major attraction
sustainable tourism tourism that conserves primary tourist resources and supports the livelihoods and culture of local people.
primary tourist/ recreational resources The pre-existing attractions for tourism or recreation (that is, those not built specifically for the purpose), including climate, scenery, wildlife, indigenous people, cultural and heritage sites. These are distinguished from secondary tourist/recreational resources, which include accommodation, catering, entertainment and shopping.
Resort A settlement where the primary function is tourism. This includes a hotel complex.
Carrying capacity The maximum number of visitors/participants that a site/event can satisfy at one time. It is customary to distinguish between environmental carrying capacity (the maximum number before the local environment becomes damaged) and perceptual carrying capacity (the maximum number before a specific group of visitors considers the level of impact, such as noise, to be excessive). For example, young mountain bikers may be more crowd ‑ tolerant than elderly walkers.
1. Leisure
Discuss the difficulties in attempting to define leisure, recreation, tourism and sport.
They often overlap, and participation in them may be simultaneous.
Discuss the influence of accessibility, changes in technology and affluence upon the growth of these activities.
Made sic
Social/Economic Changes in Technology Product Development Increase in car ownership Increase in leisure time: holiday entitlement shorter working week early retirement with pensions ageing population Greater wealth: larger incomes less children Two wage-earner families Motorways Jet aircraft Computer reservation systems Internet on-line booking Package holidays Theme Parks Activity holidays Weekend breaks Ecotourism
2. Leisure at the international scale: tourism
Changes in demand Explain the long- and short ‑ term trends and patterns in international tourism.
Trend Global tourism is a thriving business ↑ (Predicted 130% increase of international tourists between 2000 and 2020) En milliard på reisefot Internasjonal turisme nådde for første gang over én milliard reisende i fjor (2012).
The tourism industry has grown in terms of its global extent and the volume of the tourists involved.
Pattern Europe continues to receive the greatest share, but tourist preference is shifting in favour of the Asia-Pacific region, Africa and the Middle East.
Changes in supply Examine the changes in location and development of different tourist activities. Explain the growth of more remote tourist destinations.
Lots of mass tourism, but an ever-growing demand for new and exotic experiences. Sun, sea and sand boredom. Niche tourism has evolved out of a desire for diversity and something new – this is more likely to be sustainable.
4. Leisure at the national/regional scale: tourism
Case study of a national tourist industry Examine the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism.
Kenya See Tourism Costs and Benefits sheet + notes on Kenya Kenya
Case study of ecotourism Evaluate the strategies designed to manage and sustain the tourist industry.
Where? The Masai Mara National Reserve is a large game reserve in south-western Kenya. PPT on geo-revision.net: Case Study Sustainable Tourism - Masai Mara, Kenya (PPT)
Tourism as a development strategy Examine the importance of tourism as a development strategy for low-income countries.
Tourism is a positive route towards economic development, especially when they lack raw materials for manufacturing. Greener than manufacturing, mining etc. Export – but not subject to price fluctuations of commodities sold on the world market. Can be an effective way for a country to overcome its problems of balance of payments. Labour-intensive. Direct and indirect employment. Provides opportunities to acquire new skills for instance in languages, catering and entertainment. Multiplier effect. Can redistribute wealth at all scales (also to rural areas), provided leakage is not allowed to drain the economy. Adds diversity to the export base. Helps to stabilize the foreign exchange earnings. But vulnerable to global shocks, because of weak domestic demand.
6. Leisure at the local scale: tourism
Tourism management in urban areas For one named city or large town: describe the distribution and location of primary and secondary tourist resources discuss the strategies designed to manage tourist demands, maximize capacity and minimize conflicts between local residents and visitors, and avoid environmental damage.
Marbella PPT on geo-revision Urban Case Study Tourism Marbella (by Kristina)
Examine the concept of carrying capacities in a rural tourist area. "Tourism Carrying Capacity" is defined by the World Tourism Organisation as “The maximum number of people that may visit a tourist destination at the same time, without causing destruction of the physical, economic, socio-cultural environment and an unacceptable decrease in the quality of visitors' satisfaction”.
Discuss strategies designed to maximize capacity and minimize conflicts between local residents and visitors, and avoid environmental damage. Lake District, UK
Pages in New Wider World Lake District
8. Sustainable tourism
Define sustainable tourism. Geography Course Companion: Pages
Examine the extent to which it might be successfully implemented in different environments. Articles about the Antarctic on geo- revision. You can discuss Svalbard in the Arctic.
3. Leisure at the international scale: sport
International participation and success Examine the social, cultural, economic and political factors affecting participation and success in two major international sports.
You chose two sports. Geography Course Companion pages
Clay pigeon shooting NOK 800 per session Olympic Gold Hero, Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Hasher Al Maktoum.
Case study of a contemporary international sports event Analyse the geographic factors that influenced the choice of venue(s).
2008 Beijing Olympic Games Why Beijing?
Examine the factors affecting the sphere of influence for participants and supporters.
Evaluate the short- and long ‑ term geographic costs and benefits of hosting such an event at both the local and national level. Geography Course Companion pages Beijing suffers the curse of the Olympic city Beijing suffers the curse of the Olympic city
5. Leisure at the national/regional scale: sport
Case study of a national sports league Explain the hierarchy of a league and the location of its teams.
The English/Welsh Football League PPT on geo-revision: The English/Welsh Football League (PPT)
Examine the relationship between team location and the residence of its supporters.
7. Leisure at the local scale: sport and recreation
The leisure hierarchy Explain the relationship between urban settlements and recreational and sports facilities in terms of frequency, size, range and catchment area.
Intra ‑ urban spatial patterns Examine the distribution and location of recreational and sports facilities in urban areas and relate the patterns to accessibility, land value and the physical and socio-economic characteristics of each urban zone (from the central business district to the rural-urban fringe).
Leisure at the local scale
Urban regeneration Discuss the role of sport and recreation in regeneration strategies of urban areas.
London 2012 Geography Course Companion page 251 London Olympic Village Urban Renewal Hackney Urban regeneration
The main benefits of the games : It will create 9,000 new homes in the Olympic Park alone, with nearby schools and health and community facilities. Half of the new homes will be sold on the open market, with the other half going to housing associations. It will clean up the urban wasteland of the Lower Lea Valley and provide the largest new London Park since the Victorian era. The Olympics should significantly improve transportation, not only for East London but also for the capital city as a whole. In the locality, east to west connectivity will be considerably improved. State-of-the-art facilities will be provided in the area for a wide range of sports. The regeneration of the Lower Lea Valley and the Thames Gateway will be speeded up, providing new jobs and business opportunities before, during and after the games. It is estimated that 12,000 permanent jobs will be created in the area of the Olympic Park alone, as well as thousands of temporary ones. It is hoped that the 150 km 2 media and broadcast centre will encourage creative businesses to the area. It will encourage sport and healthy lifestyles across all ages and communities. The games will give a much-needed boost to the tourist industry, with half a million visitors expected at the time of the games. The tourism benefit should last for some time beyond the games. Sydney estimates that its economy was boosted by £5 billion in the five years since the city hosted the 2000 games. It is also hoped that the publicity generated by the announcement of the games will boost tourism between now and The aim is for the games to promote social cohesion in one of the most culturally diverse communities in the UK. It should also improve the image of both East London and the country as a whole.