Portuguese Higher Education: a view from outside (perceptions, observations and challenges) Learning, teaching and lifelong learning Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes U.Porto/BFUG representative Conselho Nacional de Educação (CNE), Lisboa 1
Learning, teaching and lifelong learning 1. Teaching and learning Convergence of challenges to Higher Education Institutions: Significant and rapid changes in the contemporary world New needs (of society, of youth, of the economy, of multiculturality) + European strategy 2020 New student profiles – young and adult Growth and relevance of interdisciplinarity Challenges of a more volatile labour market Increasing mobility (students, graduates, workers) 2 Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes, Learning, Teaching and Lifelong Learning - CNE,
Learning, teaching and lifelong learning 1. Teaching and learning (cont.) However: Difficulties in the recognition of previous training at the same level and strong dependency on the concept of “equivalence” of contents Insufficient understanding of the relevance of qualification frameworks for Higher Education Reduced flexibility of study plans (especially in integrated master programs) Insufficient awareness of the relevance of curricular designs and of student trajectories as a function of learning outcomes 3 Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes, Learning, Teaching and Lifelong Learning - CNE,
4 1. Teaching and learning (cont.) More active involvement of students in the learning process > towards effective student centred learning Better understanding of its meaning Allowing the development of students’ diverse skills > Differentating students according to their skills – through more flexible trajectories Fostering complementary activities allowing those skills and their differentiation – relevant to their professional performance - to be potentiated But: All this requires physical, material and human conditions…
Learning, teaching and lifelong learning 2. Teaching Greater interrelation of research and teaching > More effective learning by students, development of critical mind and scientific method Different (but no less important) role of teacher > towards effective student centred learning Relevance of evaluation > due to its central role in students’ work Definition and evaluation of learning outcomes (and not only of objectives, often based only on the teacher’s perspective) More use of new educational technologies 5 Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes, Learning, Teaching and Lifelong Learning - CNE,
Learning, teaching and lifelong learning 3. Lifelong Learning 3 different perspectives: Ongoing updating of knowledge by graduates > access to other qualification levels Access to Higher Education for adults without a secondary degree (ex. M23) Multidisciplinary training (intercycle mobility) 6 Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes, Learning, Teaching and Lifelong Learning - CNE,
Learning, teaching and lifelong learning Necessary conditions: Regular following of graduates’ professional trajectories Strong connection to social, economic and cultural sectors for the definition of the supply necessary to the updating of knowledge and skills Diversification of the tools for e-learning and distance teaching and learning Awareness of the importance of quality in higher education and of the mecanisms for quality improvement 7 Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes, Learning, Teaching and Lifelong Learning - CNE,
Learning, teaching and lifelong learning Greater recognition of the “teaching” component in academic careers Possible differentiation of careers according to main option for research or for teaching Team recommendation: evaluation of success of M23, in different areas 8 Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes, Learning, Teaching and Lifelong Learning - CNE,
Learning, teaching and lifelong learning Team’s recommendations: some final remarks Importance of LO: needs a national and institutional discussion about their meanings and their role in the curriculum design and in recognition of prior learning LLL strategy: asks for a deeper discussion about the linkage between learning, teaching and research, as well as the role and career of academics Course portfolio: Das the R35 mean a national decision of the titles of first and second cycle portfolio according to the CNAEF, limiting the autonomy of IES? Will CEES work closely with IES, to involve them in the pretended reforms? 9 Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes, Learning, Teaching and Lifelong Learning - CNE,
Learning, teaching and lifelong learning Thank you! 10 Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes, Learning, Teaching and Lifelong Learning - CNE,