CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Forming a Project SEARCH Site From Partners to Funding and How VR Facilitates Diverse Implementation Bonnie Allen, Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist Robert Eames, Programs Manager Judi Goldston, State Coordinator OK quarter
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Topics Introductions What is Project SEARCH™? Partnerships and Relationships How We Leverage Funds Description of 2010 Sites Going with the Flow and How We Make it Work Turner Falls in Davis (Southern OK)
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES What is Project SEARCH™ A partnership that focuses on assisting individuals with disabilities to find and maintain employment. Nationally, the unemployment rate for adults with disabilities is nearly 70% and the majority of these individuals want to work. It provides a framework for an unpaid internship program for young adults with disabilities at a host employer building upon the success of the national Project SEARCH™ originated at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Who is Involved? A school A host business Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) University of Oklahoma National Center for Disability Education and Training (OU-NCDET) Provider
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES What does it Look Like? 8-10 students report to the business site for each school day. AM classroom instruction on employment related topics by instructor. 4 hours spent on a rotation (three 10-week rotations in a year). Two job coaches training interns (varies by location). PM classroom instruction/debrief. Monthly progress meetings. Independent Employment!!!
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Who provides what? School – Full-time teacher’s salary and benefits – Transportation (possibly) – Lunches (possibly) – Materials and supplies – National Site License – Part of uniform expense – Student liability insurance
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Who provides what? Host Business – Classroom space – Access to Internet and phone – Access to staff and departments – Internal marketing – Liaison to team DRS – Funds for 1-2 job coaches – Part of uniform expense – Contract with OU-NCDET for technical assistance
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Role of OU-NCDET ● Provide liaison with National Project SEARCH™ ●Assist to identify, connect, and coordinate partners ●Assist the team to develop a project plan with timeframes ●Assist partners with initial steps of implementation ●Provide ongoing training and technical assistance ●Evaluate the success of Project SEARCH™ ●Maintain model integrity
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Key Concepts of Project SEARCH™ Not the “Easiest” Jobs But “Complex and Systematic” Jobs
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Student Eligibility Guidelines ● At least 18 years old or High school graduate (depends on your program and the school partner—could turn 18 during the year) ●Be able to communicate effectively ●Meet eligibility requirements for Vocational Rehabilitation ●Appropriate personal hygiene, social and communication skills ●Ability to take direction ●Willingness to change behavior ●Pass drug screen, background check, immunizations ●Have transportation to/from site or be willing to work toward independent transportation ●Desire and ability to work!
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Annual Internship Calendar AUG JUNE Begin PS Program 1st 10 week rotation 2 nd 10 week rotation 3 rd 10 week rotation Graduate & begin work at host site or in Community Up to 1 month Student Orientation
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES ● 8:00 – 8:45 am: Classroom - Independent Living / Employability Skills Lessons are based on daily living/employability skills, (i.e., problem solving, team work, decision making, budgeting, check writing, nutrition, resume writing-instruction). Follows an approved Project SEARCH Curriculum. ● 8:45 – 9:00 am: Transition from classroom to internship site ● 9:00 - 2:15 pm:Internship Site (includes 30 minute lunch) Students participate in non-paid job internship sites throughout the Mercy Health Center to learn job specific and employability skills. They rotate through three different internships throughout the school year spending 10 weeks in each rotation. Lunch Students are allowed 30 minutes for lunch and follow the lunch schedule of the department in which they are interning. Students may brown bag or purchase a lunch at the hospital. Students are encouraged to eat with their co-workers and peers at the internship site. ● 2:15 – 2:30 pm:Transition from internship site to classroom ● 2:30 – 3:00 pm:Classroom - Refection/Planning/Journal Writing Students sign out at 2:30 pm and if available take public transportation home. Sample Program Day
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Partnerships and Relationships Everyone contributes—everyone benefits. From application to selection and beyond. Improves end result. Working toward same goal—employability. Win-win for everyone. Mission driven employers who are committed. Buy-in and fostering internal relationships. Getting the right person and foot in the door.
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES How We Leverage Funds Shared resources DRS—lead VR counselor, job coaching support, uniforms, contract for TA and site development, events Employer—liaison time and training, classroom space/internet/phone, some supplies, events, worker’s compensation (in some situations) School—teacher’s salary, supplies, transportation, lunch, furniture, technology, uniforms, events, liability insurance
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Description of 2010 Sites St. John Medical Center, Tulsa Valley View Regional Hospital, Ada Mercy Health Center, Oklahoma City Integris Bass Baptist Health Center, Enid OU Football, Norman
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES St. John Medical Center, Tulsa Transition Program for Seniors Partners Jenks PS DRS; OU-NCDET St. John Central Tech Internship Rotations Senior English
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES St. John Medical Center, Tulsa Female employee in Tulsa Male intern in Tulsa Female intern in Tulsa
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Valley View Regional Hospital, Ada Partners VVRH DRS OU-NCDET Byng PS, Latta PS, Stonewall PS, Roff PS, Allen PS Young adult model v. transition model
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Valley View Regional Hospital, Ada Male intern in Ada Female intern in AdaMale intern in Ada
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Oklahoma School Law “The boards of education of two or more school districts may enter into a cooperative agreement and maintain joint programs…” Byng PS, lead LEA Commitment fee Per student fee
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES DRS Contract for Job Coaching Job coaching only during the school year $750 per month per student Prorated if not 70% attendance Specifies at least $20,000 plus benefits Job coaching plus placement and employment outcome Also, $775 for placement And $1,500 for successful employment
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES DRS Contract for Job Coaching Total Compensation (based on 10 students with full attendance over 9 months) $67,500 for 9 months Minus two staff at $20,000 a piece and 40% benefits (-$56,000) Remaining $11,500 for 9 months or $1,278 per month Additional Compensation for placement and closure $775 x 10 ($7,750) for placement $1,500 x 10 ($15,000) for successful employment Total of $22,750 additional
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Mercy Health Center, Oklahoma City Partners Mercy FTTC DRS OU-NCDET Young adults with CareerTech training Obtaining Department Access Increased enrollment at FTTC
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Integris Bass Baptist Health Center, Enid Partners Integris Enid PS DRS 4RKids Foundation OU-NCDET Transition, transfers
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Going with the Flow and How We Make it Work Payment for job coaching support Orientation, hospital codes, training Behavior, attitude, and hormones Parental involvement, attachment, independence Uncomfortable discussions Hygiene, toys, cell phones, home life, attire, relationship issues
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Going with the Flow and How We Make it Work Insecurity and wanting to give up It isn’t for everybody—letting them go Parental expectations Expectation to hire and economic downturn Safety and security and having a large pool of candidates
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Going with the Flow and How We Make it Work Not enough time for complete collaboration on all issues or events Hard conversations with partners regarding student and job coach selection Department resistance Classroom space Proximity and accessing all departments in larger facilities
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Final Thoughts Patience Determination Relationships Commitment to the employability of the interns Water Taxi in Bricktown OKC (Central OK)
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Unexpected Benefits Obtained driver’s license Moved out on own Obtained CNA certification Purchased vehicles Increased income, now eligible for benefits through employer, working toward eliminating SSA benefits Marriages Friendships and social networks Improved self-esteem, maturity Parental hopes met, partner expectations exceeded Bombing Memorial OKC (Central OK)
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Success Rate in Oklahoma Ada # began# completed# employed% Employed Year % Year % Tulsa # began# completed# employed% Employed Year % Year % May 3, 1999 Tornado % employed calculated only on those who completed the program.
CREATING WAVES OF CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Contact Information Bonnie Allen (405) Robert Eames (918) Judi Goldston (405)