PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON HEALTH Nursing Colleges in South Africa 02 August 2009 By SA Mchunu-Acting Registrar Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
PRESENTATION FORMAT 1.Context of nurse training & education 2.Differentiation of Nursing Education Institutions( NEIs) 3.The brief: The number of nursing colleges /NEIs Funding of Nursing Colleges/NEIs Accreditation & Registration of NEIs 4. Conclusion Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
1. Context of nurse education & training Located within nursing education institutions (NEIs) Accreditation by the Nursing Council Categories of NEIs Universities –nursing science units Universities of Technologies Nursing colleges Nursing Schools-public & private Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
Context (contd) Offered programs lead to awarding of Short course certificates One-two year certificates Diplomas-both pre-and post-graduate Degrees all levels Offering dependant on nature of NEI Higher Education Institution(HEI)or Further Education & Training Inst. Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
Differentiation of NEIs Nursing colleges Post-secondary education institutions Not defined as Higher Education Inst. May be declared as HEIs Cooperative agreements –universities Own councils and senates Provincial competencies-Health Dept. Offer any programme except degrees Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
Differentiation(contd) Universities/of Technology Established or deemed as HEIs National competency Budget-National Dept. of Education Can offer all nursing programs and award certificate to degree Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
Differentiation (contd) Public Nursing Schools Hospital administration including budget Under nursing service managers Private Nursing Schools Entities of hospital groups or Individual or groups of persons Both become juristic persons Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
Numbers of Colleges/ NEIs Universities/of technology=21 Nursing colleges =34 campuses Public Nursing Schools =88 Private Nursing Schools =81 Total of active schools =224 Table below provides breakdown according to provinces Total of inactive schools =????177 Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
Breakdown per province GPKZNLMPNWFSECWCNCTOTA L Unive rsities Colleg es Nursi ng schoo ls Privat e Nursi ng Schoo ls TOTA L Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
Funding Of Nursing Colleges Various models depend on province: College budget- Provincial DoH- personnel, operations, affiliation/agency agreements Bursary system for students Stipend-salary or remnant of bursary Self-funding of post-grad. Students Private-Public Partnership(private sector students) Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
Accreditation & Registration Previously sole mandate of Council Currently managed by: Different laws-(complementary/ conflicting) Several strategic partners-different legal mandates Processes –overlapping, complex Cooperation critical –education& health Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
Overarching Legislation Constitution of the RSA Act Right to provisioning of education Responsibility to maintain standards National Health Act, 2003 Delegated function to regulate nursing profession-set standards for nursing education NB Health Care System(Health Ministry) Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
Core Legislation Nursing act,2005 – Council may: √ Accredit institutions as nursing education institutions √ Accredit nursing programs √ Withdraw or suspend accreditation of NEI for failure to comply with prescribed requirements SANC responsible for standards and quality of nursing education & training Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
Other Legislation (Education Ministry) South African Qualifications Authority Act, SAQA as powerhouse (National Qualifications Act,2008) One National Framework for all qualifications in SA Generation, registration of all qualifications by SAQA Professional Bodies(Councils) & SETAs as quality assurance bodies Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
Other legislation (contd) Higher Education Act, 1997 (Amendment Act, 2008) Council on Higher Education (CHE) All statutory responsibility for higher education (all 12 learning fields- health, engineering, science etc.) Accreditation of institutions and programs, including nursing. Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
Other Legislation(contd) Further Education &Training Act,1998 (Amendment Act, 2008) Council for FET- Umalusi Overall responsibility for education in FET-all learning fields Nursing schools fall in this category Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
Strategic Partners For Accreditation Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice SANC CHENEIsUMALUSI DOE (private )
Registration of NEIs Not for public nursing colleges and schools Only for private institutions Additional accreditation criteria Accreditation by CHE & Umalusi, then Registration with Department of Education Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
Process of Accreditation Application in writing Self –assessment by NEI Information & Documentation Site visit to institution Site visit to practical learning sites Overall evaluation of capacity Granting or not, of Accreditation Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
Role of other DoE Councils Require compliance with own criteria by institutions Require accreditation reports of SANC Request registration with DoE on compliance with both above FUTURE Process to be outlined in line with 2008 legislation and changed roles Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
CONCLUSION Nursing affected by education legislation of the country Affected same way as other non- education learning filelds Colleges face unique challenge- offer mixed bag of higher and further education qualifications One leg in HE and another in FET Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice
THANK YOU Regulate the nursing and midwifery professions to ensure safe and quality practice