Markku Koponen 1 Employability: The Employers’ Perspective and its Implications Offical Bologna Seminar , Luxembourg Workshop 1: Awareness-raising among the employers on the value of bachelor qualifications and associated learning outcomes Jaana Lehto/Tradeka Ltd., Finland
Markku Koponen 2 Work experience Compulsory schooling Specialist vocational qualifications Further vocational qualifications Work experience Basic education Preschool Matriculation examination Upper secondary school Vocational qualifications Vocational schools and apprenticeship training Master’s degrees Barcelor’s degrees Universities Doc. Lic. Bachelor polytechnic degrees Polytechnics Polytechnic postgraduate degrees 10 Work Experience (min. 3 years) Finnish Education system Age
Markku Koponen 3 Finnish degree system of higher education UniversitiesPolytechnics (Fachhochschule) Years (Credits) Bachelor´s Master´s Working life Doctor´s Bachelor´s- level Working life Master´s level Working life
Markku Koponen 4 Workplace-orientation the core of polytechnic studies Higher education is developed as an entity based on a dual model The delegation of responsibilities for universities and polytechnics is clearly defined Regional networking and co-operation of institutions of higher education At universities the master level degree is the primary degree used in the working life Polytechnic graduates should enter the workplace after receiving a bachelor polytechnic degree
Markku Koponen 5 Predicted educational structure for recruiting in EK member companies in 2007, % Source: Labour force and skill needs survey, EK 2007