Finding The Forgotten Middle Middle-Skill Jobs in America Today and Tomorrow
A growing number of jobs require postsecondary education. But not all “good” jobs require a four- year degree. SKILL DEMAND
Middle-skill jobs require training beyond high school, but not a four- year degree, including an associate’s degree, occupational certification, or an apprenticeship. SKILL DEMAND
DEMAND FOR MIDDLE SKILLS IS STRONG Source: Harry Holzer and Robert Lerman, America’s Forgotten Middle Skill Jobs, 2007.
Source: Harry Holzer and Robert Lerman, America’s Forgotten Middle Skill Jobs, DEMAND FOR MIDDLE SKILLS WILL REMAIN STRONG
THE RESEARCH Substantial demand remains for individuals to fill skilled jobs in the middle of the labor market, with many of these jobs paying quite high wages. Reports that the middle of the job distribution has “hollowed out,” creating an “hourglass economy,” have been overstated. At a minimum, demand for middle- level skills and occupations will remain robust in the future, with jobs requiring post-secondary education or at least moderate-term training growing substantially over the next decade.
FINDING THE MIDDLE Washington state employer survey.
FINDING THE MIDDLE Washington state employer survey.
FINDING THE MIDDLE Washington’s Opportunity 2006, the Washington legislature approved $4 million for an Opportunity Grant Program. Groundwork for providing two years of post-secondary education or job training to every state resident by , state legislature expanded program to all Washington residents below 200% of the federal poverty line and funded it at $23 million.
Vision: Every U.S. worker should have access to the equivalent of at least two years of education or training past high school— leading to a vocational credential, industry certification, or one's first two years of college—to be pursued at whatever point and pace makes sense for individual workers and industries. Every person must also have the opportunity to obtain the basic skills needed to pursue such education. ABOUT SKILLS 2 COMPETE
VISIT US National and state research showing demand for middle-skill jobs Profiles of state efforts Information about national policymakers and politicians making America’s competitiveness conversation include middle-skill jobs Evidence of local and national demand for a commitment to investing in the education and training that will prepare America’s workforce for middle-skill jobs Resources that can help stakeholders get the word out about the need for a new 21st- century approach to skills Media resources including profiles of the campaign’s endorsers Opportunities to endorse the campaign, take action, and more!
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