Done by: Sotnikov Dima Grade: 9b
The educational system in the UK is very different from Russian. Get at least the fact that studying in the UK starts at the age of 5 years. From prep school (Pre-preparatory) children go to primary (Primary and Preparatory School), and only then - to the middle (Secondary School). Finishing it students pass the exam to get a Certificate of Secondary Education - General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). However, the document opens doors only to colleges of professional education. If the main goal is entering a university, young Britons will spend other two years at school, and only after graduation A-level exams they can reach their aim.
The optional stage of education for children in the UK is summer schools and camps. Due to the wide range of programs and schools, English education is available for different age groups: from children to professionals of different fields. Knowledge of the English language is compulsory for receiving education in English in the UK.
The age of students finishing compulsory secondary education in England is one of the smallest in the world - 15 years old. To get a higher education and a bachelor's degree takes only three years, plus one more year for the second higher education and receiving a Master's degree. Universities and colleges in the UK arrange control of the quality of academic teaching programs. Students who study in the UK for a period of 6 months or longer, have a right to get free health insurance.
Higher education in the universities of Great Britain and England British higher education has a rich history, beginning with the founding Oxford University at XII century and later, Cambridge University. Today more than 65,000 foreign students study in different universities in England.
The cost of higher education in the UK is the highest in Europe. However, study in British universities is considered so prestigious that foreigners are not stopped by the fees for educational services. Prices for study range from 9,000 to 13,000 pounds per year (depending on the university and the faculty). And the cost of higher education for medical specialists in England reaches 21,000 pounds a year.
Choosing a British university, it is important to know which category it belongs. All universities in the UK can be divided into 5 categories, depending on when they were founded. Types of Educational institutions of Higher education in England have many similarities, although, of course, each university is unique and has its own advantages.
Red Brick Universities Only 6 universities situated in large industrial cities in the UK that had received the university status before World War II originally belong to this group. The main difference between these universities from Ancient Universities lays in their practical rather than academic orientation.
Plate Glass Universities are E nglish universities, created between 1963 and 1992 (mostly in the 60's). The name of this category reflects the time of their modern architecture, contrasting with the universities of the previous categories - Red Brick Universities and Ancient Universities.
Former polytechnics in England received the university status in 1992, according to the Further and Higher Education Act of 1992.
Former colleges received the university status in 2005.
The educational system in the UK is well- developed. Education in England gives an opportunity to get education in the best universities in the world: Oxford University, Cambridge University and many others. These universities are the top twenty according to the World rankings of universities. Of course, education in Britain is possible only in English, so the compulsory stage of preparation for entering these universities is to master knowledge of the language.