Education Policy Analysis Education Policy Analysis
Framework for Policy Analysis Process of Policy Formulation Policy Content Implementation Strategies
Reform of the Education System in HK Direction of the reform All-round development/ life-long learning Flexible & diversified curricula Multiple learning channels Diversity of the education system Multi- cultualism
Reform of the Education System in HK Scope of the reform Curricula Academic Structure Admission Systems Assessment Mechanisms
Focuses of the reform learning for life learning through life Improving T & L Creating more room for T&L increasing learning opportunities Reforming the admission systems Reforming public examinations Providing “Capacity Enhancement Grant” Reforming the school curriculum Improving teaching methods Improving the assessment mechanisms Improving early childhood education Increasing senior secondary school places Promoting the development of post-secondary education Promoting the development of continuing education
Early Childhood Education Enhancing the professional competence of early childhood educators Enhancing the quality assurance mechanism unifying the regulatory mechanism enhancing the interface between early childhood and primary education
Primary 1 Admission System To avoid using children ’ s ability as the criterion for admission so as to discourage unhealthy drilling To enhance fairness of the primary 1 admission system To maintain basically the “ principle of vicinity ” in allocating school places To allow primary school to retain a certain degree of autonomy in the admission of students so as to maintain their own characteristics
Secondary 1 Places Allocation System To abolish the Academic Aptitude Test to eliminate unnecessary drilling and create more room for learning To reduce the allocation bands to minimize the labelling effect To increase the proportion of discretionary places gradually to enable parents/students to have a greater chance of choosing schools through direct application and to promote the adoption of more diversified admission criteria Introduction of the “ Through-train ” mode
School Curriculum Reform Developing a new culture of learning and teaching A comprehensive and balanced curriculum Key tasks of school curriculum reform development strategies to support schools and teachers
Student Assessment Mechanisms Establishing a new culture of assessment Mode Focus Frequency Weighing Basic Competency Assessments Improving the Public Examinations
Increasing Learning Opportunities Senior Secondary Education vocational training Higher Education universities post-secondary colleges continuing education institutions multiple channels and diversity multiple entry and exit points QA and mutually recognised qualifications
University Education Reform of university admission Review of first degree programmes Implementing a flexible and transferable credit unit system strengthening the quality assurance mechanism Increasing the number of research postgraduate places promoting the development of private higher education institutions