The Finnish school system
Basic Education A nine-year compulsory school with mandatory attendance o Usually begins the year the pupil turns seven and ends at the age of 15 o Voluntary attendance to pre-primary education the year before the compulsory school begins o The pupils don’t have to change schools at the age of 13 since the lower and the upper levels are combined o The main objective is to provide pupils with the knowledge and skills needed in life o The education is free of charge, and pupils also get free lunch and medical health care After successful completion the pupils are awarded with a comprehensive school leaving certificate and are eligible for secondary education
Secondary Education Vocational schools (students aged about 16-25) o Aim at obtaining vocational skills needed in working life o School-based education for a profession usually lasts for 3 years, but an apprenticeship is also possible o The studies also contain on-the-job training for about 6 months o After successful completion the students receive vocational school diploma and eligibility for tertiary education o Students are primarily selected on the basis of the previous study records and entrance exams
Secondary Education General upper secondary schools (students aged about 16-19) o The education is non-graded: a number of courses is required for completion Compulsory, specialization and applied courses o Mainly completed in three years, but can also be completed in two or four years o Ends with a national matriculation examination, which consists of four compulsory tests and voluntary additional tests o Completion gives eligibility for both secondary vocational and tertiary education o Education is free of charge, but students have to pay for materials o General upper secondary schools select their students mainly on the basis of previous study records
Higher (Tertiary) Education Offered in universities and polytechnics o Polytechnics have a more practical approach while universities concentrate on research and instruction o Selection based on previous study record and possible entrance examinations (especially in universities) The degree system in universities o Lower degrees Bachelor’s degree (3 years) Master’s degree (5 years) o Higher (postgraduate) degrees: Licentiates and Licentiates and Doctorates Polytechnic degrees take 2-4 years depending on the field of studies No tuition fees, state-guaranteed student loans are available