CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY Chabot College ELEC Hyperterminal Access to Routers
CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY What is Hyperterminal? A PC application installed on all Windows machines that provides “terminal emulation” It enables the PC to act like a terminal. So what is a terminal...
CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY What is a Terminal? User box –Monitor –Keyboard –Serial port (connects to host) Has no: –CPU –Storage –Operating system
CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY PC Terminal Emulation PC with terminal emulation software –Hyperterminal –WRQ Reflections –etc.
CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY PC Terminal Emulation Console connection: –Serial –Rollover cable –Point to point –Requires physical access to router COM1 con0
CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY PC Terminal Emulation Telnet connection: –via network –Ethernet cable NIC e0 –Shared, multipoint –Remote access to router
CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY Serial Communications Data sent one bit at a time (serially) Wires for: –Send –Receive –Signaling & flow-control (CTS, DTR, etc.) Many standards: –EIA/TIA-232 (PC) –V.35 (router)
CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY Serial Communications Terminal serial connectors –DB25 (25 pin) PC serial connectors –DB25 –DB9
CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY Serial Communications Cisco supplies RJ45 to DB adapters to connect rollover cables to DB25 and DB9
CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY Serial Communications Serial devices connected point-to-point must have matching settings: –bits per second (baud rate) –number of data bits –parity –number of stop bits –flow control method
CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY Serial Communications Required settings for Cisco router con0: –bits per second:9600 –data bits: 8 –parity: none –stop bits: 2 –flow control: none
CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY Using Hyperterminal Start | Programs | Accessories |Communications | Hyperterminal When prompted, name your “connection”. In the “Connect To” dialog, from the “Connect Using:” list, select: –TCP/IP Winsock for a telnet network connection to the router’s vitual terminal ports. When prompted, specify the target router’s IP address. –Direct to Com1 for a serial connection to the router console port. When prompted, specify: bits per second: 9600 data bits: 8 parity: none stop bits: 2 flow control: none Press or a few times to activate the connection. (Try it!)
CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY Standard Console Connections
CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY Our Lab Setup PC-AterminalPC-B patch cable straight-thru rollover rtr-A rtr-B