Education & training Business & finance Architecture & construction
Education & training Business & finance Health sciences
Security Co-Workers Accomplishment I want to know I will have a job when I wake up in the morning. I want to get along with the people I work with. I want to know that I have done a good job at the end of the day and that I have helped others.
I would like to become a secondary education teacher when I graduate high school I enjoy working with kids & I am knowledgeable in business I also want to coach a sport and this type of career allows me to do so
Middle school and high school teachers have the following job tasks: › Instruct students › Manage classroom › Adhere to federal and state education standards › Grade assignments › Develop mentor-like relationships with students to provide support in their academics
Working conditions for teachers are very good › Well-lit › Advanced technology › Climate controlled › Safe environment
Teachers in Ohio have a starting salary around $27,000 a year. They can earn more money based on tenure and education. Currently, the job outlook is around a 2% increase per year so there are not a lot of job openings expected in 2013
Require a Bachelor’s degree in Education and in content area Additional training and education such as Master’s degree may be needed after a few years as a teacher Take business related courses in high school and in college Work in a corporate setting during a summer internship
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