Bridging the Gap to Postsecondary Education Innovative School Solutions
Discussion Outline Key Challenges Responses to Challenges Innovative Solutions/Early College..…What Have We Learned? Potential Next Steps Team Exercise Information Sharing/Readout Q& A
Key Challenges High School Graduation Rates in US is ~70 % and has held steady for last decade. (Education at a Glance 2003) Only ~30 % of US high school students graduate ready for college. (“Toward a More Comprehensive Conception of College Readiness” by David Conley) 40 % of all students entering college must take remedial courses. (same as above) Data indicates that 1 out of 2 students who start college never complete any kind of postsecondary degree. (same as above)
Key Challenges (Cont’d) 65% of College professors report that what is taught in high school does not prepare students for college. (Alliance for Excellent Education, 9/2007) High Percentage of jobs require postsecondary education. (“High School Teaching for the Twenty-First Century: Preparing Students for College” from the Alliance for Excellent Education, 9/2007) US ranks 10 th among industrial nations in the rate of college completions by 25 to 44 year olds. (Education at a Glance 2004) Students graduating from both high school and college unprepared for the world of work. Less than 25% OF 400 employers surveyed on work readiness reported new employees have “excellent” basic knowledge and applied skills. More than 50% of the employers who hired employees from high school assessed their overall preparation as “deficient”. (“Are They Ready to Work” sponsored by The Conference Board)
Key Challenges (Cont’d) Budget reductions at all levels of public education (K-12, community colleges, and 4- year institutions). Eliminating course offerings and increasing class sizes. Increasing enrollments at postsecondary institutions resulting in larger class sizes. Dealing with reform initiatives (Fast and Furious). Teacher (new and experienced) preparedness….21 st Century Skills and measuring effectiveness.
Responses to Challenges Pre-college options: “Career and College Promise CC s), Middle Colleges, STEM schools, and Early Colleges. Curriculum modifications (e.g., 4 years of math, GOALS courses). Structural Changes (e.g., 9 th grade academies, “5 th block). Shared facilities (i.e., high schools and CCs & colleges).
Responses to Challenges (Cont’d) More focused Professional Development. Aligned school-administrator-teacher assessments based on performance metrics. Current initiatives in several states and at the national level is pay for performance and the concept of value-added assessments. Redesign of schools of education curriculum (in early stages).
Early College Alternative Innovative Solution What have we learned over the past 7 plus years from the EC experiences? + Value & need for schedule flexibility + Class sizes do matter!!! + Flexibility in curriculum design + Power of the site (on college campuses) + Value of collaboration between and among HS & college faculty
Early College Alternative (Cont’d) What have we learned….. + Cost efficiencies (associated with shared facilities) + Students expectations of themselves increased with respect to the need and value of postsecondary education + The need and value of minimizing the time gap between HS core language arts and math classes and college equivalents
Early College Alternative (Cont’d) What have we learned…… + Need & Value of Comprehensive Personal Education Plans on all students + Need & Value of a informed decision- making seminar in preparation for selecting a college major and/or a career choice + Value of a community service component + Value of using EC as a laboratory for learning (best practices)
Next Steps? Seek ways to leverage what is working in each school. Promote interdisciplinary collaboration. Treat EC as a learning laboratory.…an incubator for new ideas. Engage faculty and school administrators on key metrics which drive student academic growth and achievement. Evaluate/modify curriculum and course content focusing on relevance and rigor. (Oppty given reduction in State mandated EOCs)
Team Exercise (Teams of 6 to7) In Wilkes County Schools…… what are the challenges you face in meeting your individual and school-wide goals (list 4 -6)? how are you and your school addressing the challenges noted above and the challenges identified in this presentation (list 4 -6)? what 3 or 4 actions can you and your school take this school year to address these challenges?
Team Exercise Readout: Information Sharing
Q&A ?