Secondary Transition Education Scholars Jim Martin and Kendra Williams-Diehm University of Oklahoma Dept of Ed Psy & the Zarrow Center
Mission To prepare secondary transition education scholars who can improve the delivery of transition education to increase employment and post-secondary education outcomes.
Program Overview 36 semester hour Masters in Special Education Degree with focus in secondary transition education Designed for educators working in secondary or post-secondary education environments Two-year course of study with evening courses Social Work Professor and Special Education co- teach two family courses Needed expertise to effectively engage families, especially those from diverse and low socio- economic backgrounds in the transition planning and implementation process Offered as a Social Work class with MSW students attending the class Mentoring model Year one cohort mentors year two cohort
Courses Five Core courses for all Master Degree students 15 hours Four Transition Courses (12 hours) Transition and Self-Determination Postsecondary Education and Employment Transition Assessment Transition Practicum Implement major change within current system Done within own classroom with extension outside classroom or current program Two Social Work Transition Courses (6 hours) taught in School of Social with MSW students in class Engaging Families of Students with Disabilities Practicum in Engaging Families Directed Transition Project or Thesis (3 hours)
Student Information First cohort of 9 students began classes in Fall 2012 Two transition specialists One postsecondary educator Six secondary special education teachers One transition specialist going taking additional courses to obtain special ed certification Second cohort of 9 students will begin class Fall 2013 One postsecondary educator Eight secondary special education teachers 2 middle school special education teachers Students receive $18,000 stipends across two years to cover tuition, fees, books, mileage, etc $3,000 in support to attend professional conferences
Directed Projects or Thesis Underway All students required to completed Directed Project on a transition issue In-depth paper including a literature review Applied project Projects Underway (due spring 2014) Starting and maintaining an Oklahoma DCDT chapter Establishing Student-Let IEP meetings throughout district’s secondary programs Determining the effectiveness of an instructional program to teach students to attain annual transition goals
Professional Development 8 of the 9 first year cohort Attended 2012 DCDT Conference in Denver All of cohort 1 and 2 will attend 2013 DCDT Conference in Williamsburg Five of the first cohort submitted proposals to present at 2013 DCDT in Williamsburg Six of the first year cohort presented at the 2012 Oklahoma Transition Institute
Issues Currently face-to-face delivery at OU campus in Norman Many potential applicants from across the state want to become Transition Scholars, but too far away from campus. On-line program not possible at this time Possible solution: Offering Instructional TV live broadcasts to sites across the state via the state’s OneNet TV system OU Tulsa Career Tech Centers Community Colleges
More Information Visit the OU Special Education web page OU Special Education Web Page OU Special Education Web Page