EEC Board Policy Committee May 6, 2013 Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Grant Performance Measures.


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Presentation transcript:

EEC Board Policy Committee May 6, 2013 Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Grant Performance Measures

2 RTT-ELC Grant Overview $50 million awarded for the Massachusetts Early Learning Plan Funding to accelerate EEC’s existing work and start new initiatives that build on MA’s comprehensive early education system 12 RTT-ELC Projects in Program Quality, Educator Quality, Screening & Assessment, Family & Community Engagement, and Infrastructure

3 RTT-ELC Grant Funding for EEC’s priority areas: Program Quality: $14,968,578 Educator Quality: $10,449,375 Screening & Assessments: $5,743,068 Family & Community Engagement: $7,870,004 Infrastructure: $10,968,974

4 Program Quality: $14,968,578 Quality Rating & Improvement System (QRIS) online courses QRIS program improvement grants Scholarships for educators in QRIS programs QRIS health advisors Business planning course QRIS validation study English language development standards Multilingual translation of QRIS and early learning standards

5 Educator Quality: $10,449,375 Early Educators Fellowship Institute Readiness Centers Analysis of professional development data Validation study of educator competencies Higher education for educators who are English language learners Post-master’s certificate in Early Education Research, Policy and Leadership Peer assistance and coaching Exceptional Educator and Exceptional Instructional Leader Award Brain Building in Progress Media partnership with WGBH to create early learning resources for educators and parents

6 Screening & Assessment: $5,743,068 Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) toolkits and trainings to help parents learn about child development Formative assessment tools for public school teachers in MKEA Development of a common metric based on assessment data

7 Family & Community Engagement: $7,870,004 Financial education for families Family and adult literacy Partnership with museums and libraries Brazelton Touchpoints training Birth to Grade Three strategy development Media partnership with WGBH to create early learning resources for educators and parents

8 Infrastructure: $10,968,974 EEC staffing and administration Interagency partnerships funded with RTT-ELC and state funds: Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE) Department of Higher Education (DHE) Department of Public Health (DPH) Department of Children and Families (DCF) Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Department of Mental Health (DMH) Office of Refugees and Immigrants (ORI) Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) The Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) Development of an Early Childhood Information System (ECIS)

9 RTT-ELC Performance Measure B2c Type of Program Number of programs in the state Baseline #Baseline % 2012 Actual # (target) 2012 Actual % (target) 2013 Actual (target) 2014 Actual (target) 2015 Actual (target) UPK % % (100%) (216 or 100%) Inclusive Early Learning Environments %69 (50)45% (30%) (164 or 100%) Early Head Start and Head Start % % (100%) (221 or 100%) Program funded by IDEA, part B, section %70 (102)14% (20%)(229 or 45%)(356 or 70%) (508 or 100%) Programs funded under Title I of ESEA %28 (34)16% (20%)(56 or 33%)(112 or 66%) (128 or 100%) Programs receving CCDF funds %7327 (8406)85% (100%) (8406 or 100%) License exempt programs752533% 136 (26)79% (35%)(27 or 40%)(33 or 45%)(37 or 50%)

10 RTT-ELC Performance Measure B4c1 Baseline # 2012 Actual (target) 2013 Actual (target) 2014 Actual (target) 2015 Actual (target) Total number of programs covered by QRIS (8187)(8647) Number of programs in Level (222)(722)(922)(1022) Number of programs in Level (4)(9)(17)(43) Number of programs in Level (1)(2)(3)(5) Number of programs in Level 4933 (1)(2)(3)(4)

11 RTT-ELC Performance Measure B4c2 Type of Program Number high needs children in programs Baseline #Baseline % 2012 Actual # (target) 2012 Actual % (target) 2013 Actual (target) 2014 Actual (target) 2015 Actual (target) UPK % 5844 (6193) 100% (100%) (6193 or 100%) Inclusive Early Learning Environments6936 (6002)291149% 1915 (3301)27% (55%) (1892 or 65%) (4501 or 75%) (6002 or 100%) Early Head Start and Head Start % (10751)65% (65%) (12405 or 75%) (14059 or 85%) (6193 or 100%) Program funded by IDEA, part B, section % 3594 (3721) 24% (25%) (7441or 50%) (11162 or 75%) (14882 or 100%) Programs funded under Title I of ESEA % 1164 (2963)10% (25%) (5926 or 50%) (8889 or 75%) (11852 or 100%) Programs receving CCDF funds % (8406) 95% (100%)

12 RTT-ELC Performance Measure D2d1 Baseline (from Application) 2012 Actual (target) 2013 Actual (target) 2014 Actual (target) 2015 Actual (target) Total # of "aligned" institutions and providers 26 Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) are aligned with EEC Core Competencies Actual: 37 Target: 32 IHEs (6 add'l public IHEs with associate & bachelor degrees programs in ECE; 100% of public IHEs aligned with EEC Core Competencies Target: 40 IHEs (8 add'l private IHEs with associates and bachelor degree programs in ECE) Target: 49 IHEs (9add'l private IHEs with associates and bachelor degree programs in ECE) Target: 58 IHEs (9add'l private IHEs with associates and bachelor degree programs in ECE); 100% of state's IHEs aligned with EEC Core Competencies Total # of early educators credentialed by an "aligned" institution or provider 1017 early educators are credentialed by an aligned IHE in academic year Actual: 1670 Target: 1098 early educators credentialed by aligned IHEs (8% increase from previous year) Target: 1179 early educators credentialed by aligned IHEs (8% increase from previous year) Target: 1260 early educators credentialed by aligned IHEs (8% increase from previous year) Target: 1341 early educators credentialed by aligned IHEs (8% increase from previous year) Baseline Data: 26 IHEs are aligned with EEC Core Competencies (actual data). The baseline number of IHEs came from Institutions of Higher Education Mapping Project. The IHE Mapping Project included all public IHEs and a few private (2-4 year) IHEs with early childhood degree programs.

13 RTT-ELC Performance Measure D2d2 Progression of credentials (aligned with Workforce Knowledge & Competency Framework) Baseline # (from application) Baseline % (from application) 2012 Actual # (target) 2012 Actual % (target) 2013 Actual (target) 2014 Actual (target) 2015 Actual (target) Credential Type 1: child development associate/ECE certificate %4639 (4076)10% (4226 or 10%) (4451or 11%) (4751 or 11%) Credential Type 2: associate's degree in ECE 10202%224 (1270)0.5% (1570 or 4%) (1920 or 5%) (2320 or 6%) Credential Type 3: bachelor's degree in ECE 5571%227 (657)0.5%(832 or 2%) (1057 or 3%) (1357 or 3%) Credential Type 4: post graduate degree in ECE (M.Ed & Ph.D) 1030%1089 (153)2% (203 or 0.5%) (253 or 1%)(303 or 1%) Baseline data: Number of educators credentialed by IHEs align with EEC Core Competencies is from DHE, however the data is limited due to discrepancies in how IHEs report data to DHE (private IHEs are not required to report this data to DHE). Child Development Associate baseline data is actual data from the Council for Professional Recognition. Baseline data for the degree programs is from DHE.