Introduction to Health Care Careers
A. Educational Requirements 1.Introduction a)Depend on many factors b)Can vary from state to state c)Some basic standards do exist
A. Educational Requirements 2. Secondary Education a)Refers to basic preparation in high school b)Should include the sciences, social studies, English, and mathematics c)General typing and accounting skills can be utilized in many health careers
A. Educational Requirements 3. Health Occupations Education a)Secondary vocational programs in health occupations b)Prepare students for immediate employment in many health careers c)Also prepare students for additional education after graduation
A. Educational Requirements 4. Post-secondary education a)Education received after graduation from high school b)Includes education in vocational-technical schools, community colleges, and universities.
A. Educational Requirements 5. Types of Degrees a)Associate’s degree -awarded by vocational- technical school or community college; requires completion of prescribed two-year course of study b)Bachelor’s Degree- awarded by college or university; requires completion of prescribed course of study that usually lasts for 4 or more years
A. Educational Requirements Types of degrees continued. c. Master’s Degree- awarded by college or university; requires completion of 1 or more years after bachelors d. Doctorate or Doctor’s Degree- awarded by college or university; requires completion of two or more years beyond bachelor’s and master’s degree; some requires 4 or 6 more years of study