Transition for Dads A Non-Emotional Outcome-Based Approach To Collaborative Business
Agenda Transition I.D.E.A. Process Domains of Adulthood Postsecondary education Vocational education Integrated employment (including supported employment) Continuing and adult education Adult services Independent living Community participation Parent Rights Resources
Transition to Life
Focus on life outcomes Gainfully employed Living independently Quality of life choice
When does it begin?
Thinking About Transition Transition is a process from birth Foundations are developed early Continuous process Need to be part of the whole from the start Creating opportunities for participation Foundations for self advocacy Equal access not separate access
Transition Process
Looking at the Steps Starting at fourteen but can be sooner Must be in place at sixteen Student participation in the IEP functional vocational evaluation Based on post school outcome statement Measurable transition goals Drive the course of instruction Age of majority Self Advocacy Graduation Summary of Performance
Domains of Adulthood
Postsecondary education Vocational education Integrated employment (including supported employment) Continuing and adult education Adult services Independent living Community participation
Postsecondary Education Universities Technical Colleges Degree/diploma
Vocational Education Vocational Schools Employer training programs Job specific instruction Certification
Integrated Employment Integrated employment Self Employment Supported Employment
Continuing and Adult Education Local adult education classes Centers for Independent Living Social Skills training Sexuality Education Travel Training
Adult Services The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agency Service Agencies for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities or Mental Health Independent Living Centers (ILCs) Social Security Administration WIA and One-Stop Centers Community Recreation Centers Protection and advocacy centers
Independent Living Leisure/recreation Home maintenance Personal care Community participation
Community Participation Parks and recreation Clubs Organizations Events Faith based Accessibility to existing opportunities
Parents Right to Choice
Parent Rights Same expectations as others Same expectations as others Independence Independence Quality of life Quality of life Empty nest Empty nest Guilt free and all about me Guilt free and all about me Bucket list Bucket list
The National Center on Secondary Education and Transition Technical Assistance on Transition and the Rehabilitation Act Transition to Adulthood NICHCY Centers for Independent Living Central Florida Parent Center Heath Resouce center
Wilbur Hawke