The New Age: No Child Left Behind (NCLB) By Don Bertucci, Chaffey Unified School District ROP
When it comes to the education of our children...failure is not an option. President George W. Bush
What is it? Comprehensive reform to bridge the achievement gap between disadvantaged and minority students and their peers. Most sweeping reform of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) since it was enacted in Replaces the Improving America’s Schools Act (IASA).
The four principles of NCLB Stronger accountability for results. Expanded options for parents. Increased flexibility and local control. An emphasis on teaching methods that are proven to work.
True or False? NCLB will cut down on red tape and bureaucracy. The number of programs have been reduced. Local control has been increased. School districts can transfer almost 50% of their dollars between programs without approval.
True or false? NCLB strengthens teacher quality. Subject matter competency Preliminary credential or be enrolled in a teacher education program All teachers with paraprofessional aides at Title I schools have new standards of accountability
True or false? NCLB ensure English proficiency. LEP students will learn through scientifically based teaching methods. LEP students will be tested for reading and language arts in English after attending school in the US for three consecutive years.
True or false? NCLB creates public school choice: Parents will be able to transfer their students to a better performing school. Only in schools identified as Title I program improvement. District is responsible for transportation.
True or false? NCLB Title I dollars can now be used for tutoring, after school services, and summer school for all children. Only in Title I schools
Districts are required to submit: A Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP) outlining the integration of State and Federal programs by June 1, 2003 Annual updates and accountability
Sites are required to submit: A single plan for student achievement outlining the integration of State and Federal programs and LEAP Annual updates and accountability
How does a school become Program Improvement?
Program improvement as it applies to a school site: NCLB Academic Performance Index (API) Year one: Failure to make Academic Performance Index Growth Target – Fails AYP go to year two Year two: Failure to make Academic Performance Index Growth Target – Fails AYP go to year three Year 3: Enter Program Improvement
NCLB Year 3: Program Improvement Year 1 Revised school plan (this is a 2 year plan) Offer choice to attend another public school in the LEA that is not PI with transportation Provide written notification to parents Use 10% of funds for staff professional development LEA provides technical assistance – Fails AYP go to year four
NCLB Year 4: Program Improvement Year 2 Continue – Choice to attend another school – 10% for Staff Development – LEA Technical Assistance Add: – Supplemental Services and notify parents Fails AYP go to year five
NCLB Year 5: Program Improvement Year 3 – Corrective Action Continue – Choice – LEA Technical Asst. – Supplemental Service Add Identify school for corrective action and take at least one of the following actions on next slide:
NCLB Year 5: Program Improvement Year 3 – Corrective Action Continued – Replace school staff within current contract agreements – Implement a new curriculum and professional development – Decrease management authority at school level – Appoint outside expert – Extend school or school day – Restructure internal organization/structure of school Inform public and parents of corrective action and allow comment Fails AYP go to year six
NCLB Year 6: Program Improvement Year 4 – Corrective Action Continued Continue: – Choice – LEA Technical Asst. – Supplemental Service Add: – Develop a plan for alternative school governance – Provide notice to parents and teachers and allow comment Fails APY go to year seven
NCLB Year 7: Program Improvement Year 5 – Restructuring Implement Alternative Governance: Reopen school as charter Replace all or most of staff including Principal Contract w/outside entity to manage school State takeover
Funding Components – The High Points Title I - Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged – Part A—Basic Programs – Part B—Student Reading Skills Improvement Title II -Preparing, Training, & Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals – Part A – Teacher Quality – Part D – Technology
Funding Components – The High Points Continued Title III- Language Instruction for LEP and Immigrant Students – Part A—English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement Act – All schools with ELLs receive a portion of Title III for all LEP students; however, the other portion is for LEP students in the US for 3 years or less.
Funding Components – The High Points Continued Title IV - 21st Century Schools – Part A—Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Title V - Promoting Informed Parental Choice and Innovative Program – Part A—Local and State Innovative Programs – Part C—Fund for the Improvement of Education
Funding Components – The High Points Continued Title VI - Flexibility and Accountability – Part A—Improving Academic Achievement Title VII - Indian, Native Hawaiian and Alaska Native Education – Part A—Indian Education Title VIII - Impact Aid Program Title IX - General Provisions Title X - Repeals, Resignations and Amendments to Other Statues
Teachers: Don’t Leave Them Behind, Either.
Paraprofessionals Hired after January 8, 2002: – Complete two years of higher education study OR – Have an A.A./A.S degree OR – Pass some formal assessment that isn’t specified Hired before 1/8/02 Must have the above by June 2006
Teaching Continuum Single and Multiple Subjects – Intern – Preliminary – BTSA – Clear – 1500 hours Designated Subjects – 5 years of work experience with 1 year of recency within past 3 years – Preliminary – Coursework – Clear – 1500 hours
What About EL Learners, Williams and DS credentials? SDAEI – January 1999 CLAD/CTEL Integrated into Designated Subjects
“Does it work? Your input is appreciated.” Talk to your mentor and administrators Write to your representatives Get involved in the educational process at local, State, and Federal levels