Life After High School What are my options?
Options after High School I know that you have just finished your course selection, but it is still an important time to decide what you would like to do once you graduate from BCI. Choosing the right courses for gr. 11 can help you start the right path towards what you wish to do once you graduate. Wait, what are some of the options you can choose once you are done here?
Offer a theoretical and academic educational experience Earn a degree after 3 or 4 years Can continue afterwards for a Masters or a PhD. 21 Universities in Ontario
Colleges have more intimate learning environment to students – a high school like feel – more interaction with professors and classmates Less of a transition from high school to college 1 year certificate programs, 2 or 3 year diploma programs 24 colleges in Ontario
On-the-job training/education while you are working Training with an expert, and in school portion learning concepts The training is in a trade, leading workers to become skilled tradespersons Electrician Plumber Mechanic Etc.
Post-secondary education does not always interest everyone Some people have jobs in high school that pay well and enjoy working at – can become career Preference of working rather than being in a classroom Some choose to work for a few years to save money before attending post-secondary institution
Technical School
Technical schools, or privately run institutions provide training for a variety of careers These include: Computer training Business courses Child care Health care – dental assisting, lab assisting Hairdressing Cooking Truck driving Etc.
Armed Forces
Students can receive full paid tuition, second language training, and financial support for continuing education Receive great health care benefits for you and your family Safe pension once you retire Allows you travel around the world
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