Community Life 101 Topics:  Theological perspectives: transformational, incarnational, missional  Multiplying small groups  Meta-groups systems  Next.


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Presentation transcript:

Community Life 101 Topics:  Theological perspectives: transformational, incarnational, missional  Multiplying small groups  Meta-groups systems  Next steps for starting or finding a group  Discussion activities and questions  Closure activities Session Five: Next Steps

Theological Perspectives Small groups are to be transformational: Transformation is an upward climb, going from one stage of glory to another. We “are being transformed into the Lord’s image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord...” (2 Cor. 3:18) It normally occurs in community… Dick Scoggins What are some ways of being transformational?

Theological Perspectives Small Groups are to be Incarnational: The incarnation is the belief that Jesus is God in the flesh…taking on a human nature – “and the Word became flesh” (John 1:14). When followers of Jesus embody the gospel in their thoughts, words, and deeds they become more like Christ. They become the hands of Jesus to the people around them. What are some ways of being incarnational?

Theological Perspectives Small Groups are to be Missional: To be missional means to be sent into the world… As the people of a missionary God, we ought to engage the world the same way he does – by going out rather than just reaching out. Alan Hirsch What are some ways of being missional?

Small Group Multiplication Small Group Agreement or Covenant: The following paragraph is recommended as a topic for group agreement at the first meeting of a small group. “As expressions of outreach, we plan to invite others to this group (represented by an open chair) as well as to consider dividing and multiplying. In demonstration of body-life (the church is viewed as a body or organism), we want to support groups that are born out of this group and meet periodically with them for times of large group celebration.”

Meta-Church Small Groups The Meta-Church (from the Greek word meta, meaning "change") approach was developed by Carl George of the Charles E. Fuller Institute of Evangelism and Church Growth. Three key books, all published by Fleming H. Revell: Prepare Your Church for the Future, How to Break Growth Barriers, and The Coming Church Revolution Cell and celebration: integrating small and large groups

Cell and Celebration: Relating Small Groups to the Church Cell Level: Small groups (cells) of about 10 participants. They practice: –Love (Relationship Building) –Learn (Bible study and spiritual formation) –Task (a task or mission) –Maintain (deciding details of group life and purpose) “Healthy small groups combine evangelism, spiritual nurture, and calling to service.” Carl George

Cell and Celebration: Relating Small Groups to the Church Celebration Level: Large group meeting (100s) for corporate celebration. Cell groups will seem to lack significance if they’re not joined to (or alternated with) a praise celebration of worship. In a large crowd, an extra festival-like dimension of excitement attaches itself to the singing of praise or the preaching of Scripture.

Cell and Celebration: Relating Small Groups to the Church

Small Group Discussion 25Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. 26"In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27and do not give the devil a foothold. 28He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need. 29Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Eph. 4: What kind of clothing do you prefer to wear? Why? 2. What should we keep in mind concerning falsehood, anger, and stealing? (4:25-28) 3. What reason is given for why a person should work? (4:28) 4. How should believers speak to one another? (4:29) 5. In this context, what could be examples of grieving the Holy Spirit? (4:30) 6. Of what five vices are believers to rid themselves? (4:31) Which of these are of greatest concern to you? 7. What positive commands did Paul give the Ephesians? (4:32) 8. What old habits have you discarded or are working to discard? 9. Which of the qualities in verse 32 would you like to demonstrate more consistently?

Bringing Closure to a Small Group It is helpful to provide time for reflection, expressions of appreciation, or other kinds of ways for group members to say good by to one another. Following are several suggested questions and activities. Discuss one of the following questions. 1. Is there anything that needs to be resolved, discussed, dealt with, or expressed before the group is over? 2. What feelings do you want to express about the group winding up its activities or about the ending of this group? 3. How have you grown as a person while in this group (or in general)? Talk to a person with whom you share an affinity about one or more of the following phrases: 1. It was nice when you said I was surprised to hear you talk about Something I really like about you is One time I noticed you I would enjoy talking with you more about... Have prayer together while holding hands. Shake hands or hug one another.

Where do we go from here? What is your next step in community? Are you interested in joining a small group? Starting a small group? Reorganizing a group? What else would you like to ask or say about small groups?