What is a sin against the Holy Spirit? Several sins specifically noted (blasphemy) ◦ Mt 12:31-32; Mk 3:28-29; Lk 12:10 Let’s take a deeper look to see if we can identify what are some sins against Holy Spirit
God is willing to forgive the vilest of sinners ◦ Is 1:18; 1 Tim 1:15-16 Blasphemy against the Spirit - Mt 12:14-30 ◦ Jesus worked a miracle vs ◦ Pharisees attributed it to Satan vs 24 ◦ Jesus explained why they were wrong vs ◦ Jesus did it by the Holy Spirit vs 28 ◦ Blasphemy “Impious & reproachful speech injurious of the divine majesty” – JH Thayer
Blasphemy against Spirit shall not be forgiven? ◦ Miracles, proof He was Son of God – Jn 20:30-31 ◦ One who believes Christ’s miracles are by Satan won’t ever believe in Him – Jn 12:37-40 ◦ Not God’s unwillingness to forgive, but one’s unwillingness to believe in the truth
Can we blaspheme the Holy Spirit? ◦ Becoming so hardened of the heart we are unreachable Alien Sinners – Mt 13:13-15 Erring Christians – Heb 3:7-15; Heb 6:4-6
Resist: To fall, rush or stand firm against – Jim Tuten, The Holy Spirit, His Person & Work The Jewish nation killed the prophets The council killed Christ The council killed Stephen – Act 7:54-60 When one closes his ears to the Word of God and persecutes the preacher, he is fighting not just a man but God – Lk 10:16
Ananias & Saphira lied to Spirit – Act 5:1-4 How did they tempt the Holy Spirit? ◦ Not in the sense of enticing Him to sin – Jas 1:13 ◦ Testing His power, knowledge & punishment ◦ They lost the test – Acts 5:5-11 We tempt God by sin and unbelieving disobedience – Heb 3:7-9 ◦ We will lose the test – Heb 3:10-11
Eph 4:30 Godly parents grieve when their children sin God is saddened when we leave Him – Heb 3:10-13
1 Thes 5:19 1 st Century Christians “quenched” Spirit by: ◦ Discouraging use of Spiritual gifts – 1 Thes 5:20 ◦ Failing to use Spiritual gifts – 1 Tim 4:14; 2 Tim 1:6 We can be guilty of a parallel sin if we: ◦ Discourage others service to God – 1 Sam 8:1-7 ◦ Fail to use opportunities & abilities in service to Christ – Mt 25:14-30
Be on guard so not to make mistake of: ◦ Rejecting the testimony of the Spirit in unbelief ◦ Resisting & refusing the Gospel ◦ Tempting the Spirit through sin & disobedience ◦ Grieving the Spirit by sinning ◦ Quenching the Spirit by discouraging others in their service to God or failing to work ourselves The Spirit invites all to be saved - Rev 22:17