Emotionalism Matthew 7:21-23.


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Presentation transcript:

Emotionalism Matthew 7:21-23

The Difference Between: “Emotional” & “Emotionalism” EMOTION: "An intense mental state that arises subjectively rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes; a strong feeling: the emotions of joy, sorrow, reverence, hate, and love.” (American Heritage Dictionary). Two Extremes “Feel Good” Religion Cold, Heartless Religion

Emotion Is Proper Part Of Life

Natural Progression with Age: Emotion to Reason Babies cry & throw temper tantrums when they want something (emotional display) Expect older people to control desires Same process of raw expression to control is seen in other realms of life General Rule: Maturity brings control as thought & reason precede & direct emotion

Jesus Displayed Emotion Wept at the grave of Lazarus (Jn. 11:33-36) Wept as He approached Jerusalem (Lk. 19:41-44) Strong crying & tears in Gethsemane (Heb. 5:7-8) Compassion on the lost & confused (Matt. 9:36) Often had compassion on the diseased and afflicted Showed tenderness towards little children (Mark 10:13-16) Was angered at hardened hearts (Mark 3:5) Showed emotions in driving out the money changers from the temple (Jn. 2:13-16)

Men of God Showed Emotion Gen. 45:1-4 Joseph revealing self to brothers Josh. 7:5-7 Joshua in defeat of Israel at Ai Acts 8:2 Lamented over Stephen Acts 9:39 Widows wept over Dorcas Acts 17:16 Spirit of Paul provoked by idols Acts 20:37 Ephesian elders wept over Paul 2 Cor. 6:10 Sorrowful & rejoicing in labor 2 Cor. 11:28 Anxiety for all the churches

Emotion in Response to Gospel Acts 8:39 Ethiopian rejoiced after obeying Acts 16:34 Jailor rejoiced having believed Phil. 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always” 1 Jn. 1:4 Revelation given to give full joy 2 Cor. 7:10 Godly sorrow before repentance Acts 2:37 Gospel pricks the heart In each case, proper emotion is preceded and directed by the truth believed & obeyed

Improper Emotion in Scripture 1Kg 18:26f Prophets of Baal 1Kg 22:11 Zedekiah in giving false vision Acts 7:54f Crowd angered to kill Stephen Acts 19:23f Demetrius & crowd for Diana Matt. 13:20 Rocky soil hearers & emotion Improper emotion seen in rejecting truth whether before or after hearing the message

Reception of Holy Spirit Never Tied to Emotion in Scripture Acts 2 - Apostles received H.S. at Pentecost Never told how the apostles felt Acts 10 - Cornelius received Holy Spirit Never told how Cornelius felt about it Acts 19 - Men at Ephesus received Spirit Never told how they felt about it No statement of preferring feeling over Bible Spirit caused revelation (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

Truth Not Determined by Emotions or Feelings Case of Jacob’s grief over Joseph (Gen. 37) Brothers of Joseph sell him into slavery Deceived Jacob into believing Joseph was dead Mourning was just as real as if actually dead Truth not determined by reality of emotion Case of Job’s emotions during trials Emotions were both real & intense Reacted from feeling that God caused his trials Truth differed from Job’s feelings & emotions

Truth Must Be Foundation for All Thought & Emotion Not Emotions Based on Subjectivism Jeremiah 23:16-22 Jeremiah 14:13-17 Ezekiel 13:1-3 Matthew 7:21-23

Applications for Today

Emotionalism in Denominations Catholicism filled with emotion-based appeal in liturgy & tradition Southern Baptist: “Rather go with feeling in my heart than whole stack of Bibles” Methodists: Warm feeling of confirmation of Wesley & followers Pentecostals: Confirm salvation by emotional display of ecstatic worship much like pagans Emotional display & lifestyle often at odds

Emotionalism in Lord’s Church Some profess great emotional feeling... But emotion used to assist those engaged in sinful practices & those teaching doctrinal error But willing to tolerate growing number of evils But evidence moral decline in dress, drinking… But show little growth in knowledge of truth Takes on different forms at various times Soul talks, burn candles, low lights, camp fervor Emphasis is on style rather than substance

Danger Signs for Emotionalism Change of worship style & content Become enamoured with casual atmosphere Imitate “contemporary” style of denominations Seek more aesthetically appealing settings Sunrise or sunset services, beach devos... Songs with appeal not based on edification Content of lyrics appealing to pop culture Rounds which are not understandable Musical complexity overwhelms message Influence of “camps” becoming dangerous