Lesson 10 for the 6 th of December
As He was arriving to Gethsemane, He felt a deep anguish and a great need of support from His disciples. “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death” (Mark, 14: 34 NIV)
What was the cause of that anguish? What was the cause of that anguish? WWas it the fear of what could human beings do to him? WWas it the burden of the sin that He had to withstand? DDid He realize the closeness of eternal death?
Jesus had to drink the cup of the anger of God. He prayed the Father three times to avoid that cup from Him and to prepare another way to save man. Silence was the answer of the Father. Submission was Son’s. And in that moment, an angel came down to comfort Him and strengthen Him. “Cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?” (John, 18: 11) “Cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?” (John, 18: 11)
Separation with His Father? Pursuance of messianic prophecy? Anger of a righteous Judge? What did the cup mean for Jesus? What did the cup mean for Jesus?
“When I was daily with you in the temple, ye stretched forth no hands against me: but this is your hour, and the power of darkness” (Luke, 22: 53) Jesus was given to evil powers in the darkest moment. Jesus was given to evil powers in the darkest moment.
Who gave Jesus to sinful hands? Who gave Jesus to sinful hands? Judas Iscariot? The Father? Himself? You and me?
Father, Son and Holy Spirit suffered terribly at the cross. They were never separated before and they will never be separated again. But for a moment, they suffered that separation because they loved man, in order to obtain his eternal salvation. “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew, 27: 46)
What was the nature of the suffering that He felt because of the separation with God? What was the nature of the suffering that He felt because of the separation with God? The sin that Christ was carrying in our place? That there was no mediator who could reconcile? The experience of eternal death?
Jesus gave his life at the cross voluntarily. He gave his spirit to take it again. No one could take the life of the Just, He gave it only for love. “I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself” (John, 10: 17-18)
What did Jesus finish at the cross? His worldly ministry? Reconciliation between man and God? The plan of salvation? Atonement?
“Our salvation was wrought out by infinite suffering to the Son of God. His divine bosom received the anguish, the agony, the pain that the sinfulness of Adam brought upon the race. The heel of Christ was indeed bruised when His humanity suffered, and grief heavier than that which ever oppressed the beings He had created weighed down His soul as He was engaged in paying the vast debt which man owed to God” E.G.W. (In Heavenly Places, Feb. 7)