BASIC COCNEPTS GUIDING ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES 1. Energy 2. Breath 3. Balance 4. Spirituality
Quote to Begin Fishes, asking what water was, went to a wise fish. He told them that it was all around them, yet they still thought that they were thirsty. (Sufi teaching )
Chinese Taoist “Energy, not matter was the basic building material of the Universe.” Albert Einstein Matter and energy are the same. Energy is like a glue that holds the universe together. Holistic practitioners “ Life force” of subtle energy. The source that connects body, mind, and spirit together.
ENERGY Japanese Ki Tibetans Lung (Loong) Polynesians Mana Native Americans Oki, orenda, ton American Subtle energy, breath, vital force Chinese Qi (chee) Yin (-) Yang (+) Energy in Chinese character Source:
CHAKRAS Hindu concept “Spinning wheel” Seven major chakras Many minor chakras
AURA Human energy field surrounding the body Seeing colors around the body Generally, it appears as a light blue color, which it is brighter close to the body and fades away from the body.
AURA The color will change with person’s state of mind and health. They are also related to each chakra.
AURA A practitioner needs to learn how to read an individual's Aura. To read Aura, a person needs to have special education and practice. In this book, you will learn more about Aura: Barbara Ann Brennan, (1987) Hands of light, A guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field, Bantam Book: New York, NY.
MERIDIANS “Network of energy circuits or lines of force that run vertically though the body connecting all parts.” Acupuncture points
ENERGY CONCENTRATION Will power Solar Plexus Chakra The seat of prana
GROUNDING AND CENTERING Grounding: Connecting with ground Contact with reality Stability Independence Solid foundation Living in the present moment Centering: Bringing self to center or midline Concentration of solar plexus Stillness
BREATH Sanskrit Prana Hebrew Ruach Greek Pneuma Latin Spiritus Christianity Holy Spirit or “the breath of life”
BALANCE “ WALKING IN BALANCE” Native American culture
BALANCE Components of balance: Mental Physical Emotional Spiritual Environmental
MENTAL Feeling of self-worth Positive identity A sense of accomplishment The ability to appreciate The ability to create
PHYSICAL Optimal functioning of all body systems
EMOTIONAL Ability to feel and express the entire range of emotions
SPIRITUAL Moral values Meaningful purpose in life Feeling of connectedness to others Feeling of connectedness to divine source
ENVIRONMENTAL Physical Biologic Economic Social Political conditions
CYCLIC RHYTHMS Circadian rhythms 24-hour temperature Sleep patterns Hormonal level: Adrenal Thyroid Growth hormone-secreting patterns Temperature Appetite Energy level Motor activity pattern
CYCLIC RHYTHMS Ultradian rhythms Shorter than 24 hours Repeat more than once a day
CYCLIC RHYTHMS Infradian rhythms Regular fluctuations Longer than 24 hours
MUSICAL RHYTHMS Music therapy for: Mental disorders Autism Dementia Cancer Cognition disorders Neurological problems
SPIRITUALITY Relationship with: Oneself Others Higher power Meaning and purpose in lives Feeling of wholeness
SPIRITUALITY Spiritual healing practices: Prayer Contemplation Meditation Drumming Storytelling
SPIRITUALITY Spirituality Broader concept Search for wholeness No dogma May use religion’s sacred prayer Religion Search for Sacred Group identity Sense of belonging Dogma Politics Cultural influences
SPIRITUALITY Spiritual guides Guardian angels Being of Light Buddhists: Devas Cherokees: Adawees Hebrew & Persian: Malakh or messenger Zoroaster/Persian: Vohu Manah
SPIRITUALITY Four great archangels: Uriel Raphael Michael Gabriel
SPIRITUALITY Grief as a Blessing: I saw grief drinking a cup of sorrow and called out, “it tastes sweet, does it not?” “You’ve caught me,” grief answered, “and you’ve ruined my business, how can I sell sorrow when you know it’s blessing?” Jalaludding Rumi, Persian Sufi Poet ( ) (Quoted in Wisdom of the Ages, 1998, p.47)