Tuesday 12/1 wk 16 What continent is Japan located on? What was an achievement of the Roman Empire?
Land of the Rising Sun Ch 8.1 Page 251
The Effect of Geography on Japan
Landforms and Climate The Good Mild climate Lots of rain for growing rice Lots of fish and seafood Island provides protection from invasions The Bad Only 15% of land can be farmed Volcanoes earthquakes Tidal waves Hurricanes Few natural resources
Japan’s Influential Neighbors China influenced Japan ALOT
Early Japanese Society
Japan’s Emperors Came from Yamato clan Were considered “divine” rulers clan=a group of families related by blood or marriage Were considered “divine” rulers divine=godlike, related to the gods
The Reign of Prince Shotoku
Son of an Emperor Yomei Regent Held power from 593-622 Who was he? Prince Regent Held power from 593-622
Regent A person who rules in place of an absent or underage monarch
A powerful regent who ruled Japan from A.D. 593 to 622 Prince Shotoku A powerful regent who ruled Japan from A.D. 593 to 622
Why he’s important impressed by Chinese culture Spread Chinese ideas Confucianism Chinese form of writing Shipbuilding Weaving Medicine astronomy Encouraged spread of Buddhism
Prince Shotoku Prince Shotoku A powerful regent who ruled Japan from A.D. 593 to 622 Prince Shotoku
Prince Shotoku Opened embassy in China Seventeen Article Constitution embassy=government office in a foreign country Seventeen Article Constitution Guidelines created by the Prince that were based on Confucian ideas Hard work, obedience to authority
embassy An office of our country’s government in another country
Shinto the traditional religion of Japan based on respect for nature and ancestors