Sims 3 Pets October 2011
Key Campaign information Environment/Panels Key Campaign Objectives Other Media 350 Mall 6 Sheets Boost awareness of the new Sims 3 Pets games and drive engagement with the brand Drive usage and consideration of both the Sims 3 and Sims 3 Pets Create consumer interest
Spontaneous Brand / Title Awareness The mall campaign drove top of mind awareness of both Sims 3 and Sims 3 Pets Source: Dipsticks Sims 3 Mall Research 2011 Q23 Please list all of the recent and upcoming video game releases you can think of. +66% Poster Recognisers +61% Poster Recognisers
Source: Dipsticks Sims 3 Mall Research 2011 Q24 And please list all of the recent and upcoming video game releases which you have seen advertising for recently. Spontaneous Advertising Awareness The campaign proved noticeable amongst the target audience +63% Poster Recognisers +60% Poster Recognisers
Malls key at driving increase in advertising awareness +125% Source: Dipsticks Sims 3 Mall Research 2011 Q27. You indicated that you have seen or heard advertising for the following video games recently (Sims 3 Pets); in which of the following places did you see this advertising?
The campaign drove pre-orders of Sims 3 Pets Source: Dipsticks Sims 3 Mall Research 2011 Q31. Which out of the following video games have you ordered or do you intend to pre order online?
The campaign worked to drive key statements for the Sims 3 portfolio Q32 Using a scale of 0 – 10, where 0 is ‘not at all accurate’ and 10 is ‘very accurate’ how accurately do each of these statements describe Sims 3 / Sims 3 Unleashed/Pets? Source: Dipsticks Sims 3 Mall Research 2011
Summary Significant shifts in awareness with Malls highest attributed media Indication that campaign has worked to drive players to the Sims brand & future purchase intent for Sims 3 Pets The campaign also worked at strengthening perceptions of the Sims 3 brand
Want to find out more? Contact the JC Decaux research team to find out how the campaign performed across other metrics including creative diagnostics and more about our mall audience