PETS 2014 Rotary District 7570
District 7570 PETS 2014 ROTARY PETS 2014
District 7570 PETS 2014 ROTARY PETS 2014
District 7570 PETS 2014 The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do. 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
District 7570 PETS 2014 ROTARY PETS 2014
District 7570 PETS 2014
District 7570 PETS Assistant Governors 1.Aneita Bryant 2.Kathy Kanter * 3.Matt Sunderlin * 4.Nancy Whitlock 5.Shannon Watts 6.David Kleppinger 7.Rachel del Campo Gatewood * 8.Elizabeth R. Pline 9.Paula Alston * 10. Assaad Mounzer 11. Billie Taylor 12. Susan Ojanen * 13. Paul Montgomery * 14. Dick Ray 15. Aaron Garber, Administrative, AG *1 st year AG
District 7570 PETS 2014 ROTARY PETS 2014
District 7570 PETS 2014 ROTARY PETS 2014
S-I-L-E-N-T & L-I-S-T-E-N
District 7570 PETS 2014 ROTARY PETS 2014
District 7570 PETS 2014 ROTARY PETS 2014
District 7570 PETS 2014