DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members PETS for: Presidents-Elect 2013
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members ROTARY D7620 Pre-PETS This URL is the only thing you need to WRITE down
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members ROTARY District Assembly and couple more “Writer-Downers”
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members WHO is Mike Thacker?
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members WHO is Mike Thacker? - Past District Governor District 7710, Raleigh, NC That, and $4 gets me a CUP of coffee Will FISH for food…
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members WHO is Mike Thacker? Past District Governor District 7710, Raleigh, NC - Developer of DACdb, specifically for Rotary Districts and Clubs
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members WHO is Mike Thacker? Past District Governor District 7710, Raleigh, NC -Developer of DACdb, specifically for Rotary Districts and Clubs - Licensed and Certified RI vendor
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members WHO is Mike Thacker? Past District Governor District 7710, Raleigh, NC - Developer of DACdb, specifically for Rotary Districts and Clubs - Licensed and Certified RI Vendor - Now have 150+ districts, and over 5,400 clubs using this on-line system
74% USA 26% World 150+ Districts– over 5,400 clubs DACdb - District and Club Database
Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members As a Rotary Club Presidents Your JOB is mainly COMMUNICATIONS… and Cheerleading “Go TEAM!”
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members AND, Something for Everybody… - Members can maintain their OWN information - Access other Member’s contact (in your own club) - Calendar of Events and Speakers - Access latest Club Bulletins
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members AND, Something for Everybody… - Members can maintain their OWN information - Access other Member’s contact (in your own club) - Calendar of Events and Speakers - Access latest Club Bulletins (And, for clubs using the Weekly Attendance and DUES modules) - Access their own Attendance records - Access their own DUES records
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Quick Access: - / PMAIL - Name & Addr. -Phone Number - Calendar - Committee Chairs and Members - All Rotarians in your club - Calendar of Events
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members “SO, What’s in it for ME?” It is also on your SmartPhone!
SmartPhone Mobile Access mobile: DaCdb.com
SmartPhone Mobile Access Quick Access: - Address - Phone Numbers - Name & Address -Calendar of Event
SmartPhone Mobile Access Adding the ICON as an APP Instructions on screen, first time access
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Effective Communications: Vertical & Viral
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Effective Communications: Vertical (Up and Down the Chain) Members, Clubs, District, and direct to RI
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Effective Communications: Vertical (Up and Down the Chain) Members, Clubs, District, and direct to RI ALL CLUBS NEED to make this selection!
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members RI DIRECT CONNECT
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Effective Communications: Viral (One to MANY in a single click) Club Committees, Club Secretary, District Committees, District Secretary, and to RI
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members message: for a NEW MEMBER Automatically sent to: - the new Member - Club Secretary - District Secretary - RI Database - Sponsoring Rotarian gets a THANK YOU!
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members PMAIL message: to NEW MEMBER
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members PMAIL message: to their SPONSOR
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members And, most popular PMAIL : HAPPY BIRTHDAY
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members messages: for NEW MEMBER Automatically sent to: - Club Secretary - District Secretary - District Executive Secretary - RI Database - PMAIL: NEW Member and Sponsor And, updates the District and Club “dashboard”
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members The Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Powerful FIND someone by: - First Name (Michael) - Badge Name (Mike) - Last Name (Thacker) - Address - Business Name (Law) - Classification (Attorney)
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members FIND:
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members FIND:
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members P-MAIL IS Personalized MAIL Dear Mike,
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members - PMAIL - can be sent to: - Individuals - Committees (All or Selectively) - Club Members (All or Selectively)
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members PMAIL MENU of Templates
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members PMAIL MENU of Templates
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Selected PMAIL #01: Dear Rotarian
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Selected PMAIL #01: Dear Rotarian Mike
DACdb - District and Club Database Calendar of Events - Club Meetings - Club Fund Raisers - District Events
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members All CLUB Information on ONE Screen: My CLUB Automatically BUBBLES UP to District & RI - Membership Changes - Club Changes - Club Positions Makes “using the system” much easier!
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members ALL ADMIN Functions on the My CLUB screen:
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Club Leadership (on the My CLUB ) screen
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members BUBBLES UP to District and RI - Club Changes - Club Positions - Club Reports - Membership Changes ∙ , Phone, Contact ∙ only 1 entry at club level “bubbles UP” All Club Information on ONE Screen: My CLUB
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Club Members and Positions:
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Club Members and Positions:
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members All Club Information on ONE Screen: My CLUB BUBBLES UP to District and RI - Club Positions
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members All Club Information on ONE Screen: My CLUB BUBBLES UP to District and RI - Club Positions ∙ President, Club Secretary ∙ President-Elect (to PETS committee for DGE and PMAIL) ∙ Secretary-Elect (district and RI Official Directory) ∙ Foundation Chair (up to district committees) ∙ Membership Chair ∙ and other Club Leadership Plan positions
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members BUBBLES UP to District and RI - Club Changes ∙ Day, Time, Location ∙ Monthly Attendance All Club Information on ONE Screen: My CLUB
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Section 1: Club Information
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Section 2: Club Committees
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Comprehensive Reporting: - Club Changes - Club Positions - Club Reports ∙ Membership Directory ∙ TRF Contributions Transmittal ∙ Name Badges and, 25+ more reports All Club Information on ONE Screen: My CLUB
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Membership Directory in 2-3 Clicks:
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Create Name BADGES in a couple clicks:
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members BUBBLES UP to District and RI - Club Changes - Club Positions - Membership Changes Makes “using” it in the clubs much easier! All Club Information on ONE Screen: My CLUB
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members BUBBLES UP to RI via “Direct Connect” - CLUBS must choose this option at Rotary.org - Changes happens in minutes vs. days via - Step-by-Step instructions on HOME page (in the Twitter box) All Club Information on ONE Screen: My CLUB
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members ROTARY PETS mobile: DACdb.com “writer-downer” (2 of 3)
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Smartphone – Your On-line Directory All this information about your Membership, Club, Club & District Calendar is now on your Smartphone ONCE you LOG IN as a ROTARIAN
SmartPhone Mobile Access m.DaCdb.com (HOW TO)
SmartPhone Mobile Access m.DaCdb.com
SmartPhone Mobile Access m.DaCdb.com - Make a Call - Send - View Attendance -Submit MakeUp
SmartPhone Mobile Access m.DACdb.com Use same Login values as the District & Club database for inquiries on your Smart Phones
SmartPhone Mobile Access In your browser: ( e.g. Safari) m.DACdb.com U: P:
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Where can I get my RI Member number? 1.Ask Club Secretary 2.rotarian magazine
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
“writer-downer” (3 of 3)
1)Your address 2)Your RI MemberID 3) Or, just click on link in PMAIL #05
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Q & A (hopefully) NOTE: All these functions in DACdb are provided by your District to the CLUBS
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members District Provided Services to ALL Clubs: ALL the Basic ADMIN Services Draw a LINE in the SAND for “premium services”
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Other Club Level Options and Functions: - Weekly Attendance - DUES Invoicing - Club Web Site - RI-CAS to DACdb conversion - CR to DACdb conversion
Club Officer Overview DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1. Weekly Attendance Reporting - Add a Meeting in just a couple clicks
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self
Club Officer Overview DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1. Weekly Attendance Reporting - Add a Meeting in just a couple clicks - Bar Code Scanning - Automatic PMAIL #10 to Absentees (MISSED YOU at Today’s meeting)
Club Officer Overview DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1. Weekly Attendance Reporting - Add a Meeting in just a couple clicks - Bar Code Scanning - Automatic PMAIL #10 to Absentees - Automatic updating of Monthly Attend. - Make Ups and Leave of Absences
Club Officer Overview DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1. Weekly Attendance Reporting - Add a Meeting in just a couple clicks - Bar Code Scanning - Automatic PMAIL #10 to Absentees - Automatic updating of Monthly Attend. - Make Ups and Leave of Absences - Correct Percentage Calculations, including your Rule of 85 members
Club Officer Overview DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1. Weekly Attendance Reporting - Add a Meeting in just a couple clicks - Automatic reporting of Monthly Attendance from Weekly in 2 clicks
SERVICE Above Self
Club Officer Overview DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1. Weekly Attendance Reporting: $156*/yr Less TIME with Less STRESS * $256 clubs over 149; * $120 clubs under 30
Club Officer Overview DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self 2. Club Invoicing – DUES - Generate DETAILED Invoices in just 8-10 clicks
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self
Club Officer Overview DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self 2. Club Invoicing – DUES - Generate Invoices in just 8-10 clicks - POST to the Accounting system Complete double-entry accounting, Chart of Accounts, and Reporting
Club Officer Overview DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self 2. Club Invoicing – DUES - Generate Invoices in just 8-10 clicks - POST to the Accounting system - PRINT the Invoices
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self
Club Officer Overview DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self 2. Club Invoicing – DUES - Generate Invoices in just 8-10 clicks - POST to the Accounting system - PRINT the Invoices -or- - PMAIL Invoices to Members via
Club Officer Overview DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1.Weekly Attendance Reporting: $156*/yr 2. DUES & Invoicing: $156 * /yr, + $197/setup (includes 1-hour “getting started webinar”) Less TIME with Less STRESS * $256 clubs over 149; * $120 clubs under 30
Club Officer Overview DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self 3.Club Web Sites: YourClub.RotaryClub.pro - Standard (totally automated updating, using one of our Domain Names) - Customized (integrated with database, using your own Domain Name)
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members STANDARD SITESTANDARD SITE
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members CUSTOM SITECUSTOM SITE
Club Officer Overview DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1.Weekly Attendance Reporting: $156*/yr 2. DUES & Invoicing: $156/yr, + $197/setup 3. Stnd Club Web Site: $156 * /yr, + $197/setup * $256 clubs over 149; * $120 clubs under 30
Club Officer Overview DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1.Weekly Attendance Reporting: $156*/yr 2.DUES & Invoicing: $156 * /yr, + $197/setup 3. Stnd Club Web Site: $156 * /yr, + $197/setup 4. Custom Web Site: $20-25/mo, +$197/min. setup
Club Officer Overview DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1. Weekly Attendance Reporting: $156*/yr 2. DUES & Invoicing: $156*/yr, + $197/setup 3. Stnd Club Web Site: $156*/yr, + $197/setup ALL 3 premium modules, one price: $349 */yr. plus, just one setup fee of: $197 Savings of $316 on bundle ($862-$546) * +$100 clubs over 149; * - $100 clubs under 30
Club Officer Overview DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1. Weekly Attendance Reporting 2. DUES & Invoicing 3. Club Web Site Less TIME with Less Stress
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Q & A on premium modules
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members WHO is Mike Thacker? Will FISH for Food USCG Charter Capt.
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Ph: (252)
SmartPhone ICON APP for DACdb www. DACdb.com in browser TOUCH on YOUR Browser ICON: iPHONE = Safari ICON DROID = Browser ICON Google: iPHONE create shortcut Google: DROID create shortcut
SmartPhone ICON APP for DACdb DACdb.com in browser www. is not necessary as part of the URL address
SmartPhone ICON APP for DACdb DACdb.com in browser 1.TOUCH ON “NEW PAGE” icon, if necessary to get the URL entry screen First time, option to add ICON
SmartPhone ICON APP for DACdb DACdb.com - LOG IN 2. Keyin User Name and Password and “check” REMEMBER ME (add manually) 3.Add this “DACdb” page to APP s 4. on the HOME Screen BEFORE you LOGIN
SmartPhone ICON APP for DACdb DACdb.com - LOG IN 2.Keyin: User Name and Password and “check” REMEMBER ME
SmartPhone ICON APP for DACdb 2.Keyin User Name and Password and REMEMBER ME 3. Add this “DACdb” page to APP s on the HOME Screen BEFORE you LOGIN 4. TOUCH the LOGIN DACdb.com - LOG IN
SmartPhone MAIN MENU DACdb DACdb.com – MENU Simulator Touch My Data to see your information
SmartPhone ICON APP for DACdb DACdb.com in browser TOUCH on YOUR Browser ICON: DROID = Google: droid create shortcut
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Ph: (252)
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members PETS for: Presidents-Elect 2013
SmartPhone ICON APP for DACdb DACdb.com - LOG IN 2. Keyin User Name and Password and “check” REMEMBER ME 3.Add this “DACdb” page to APP s 4. on the HOME Screen BEFORE you LOGIN Simulator
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members ROTARY District 6710 District Conference Frankfort, KY November 9, 2012
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self
Club Officer Overview DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1.Weekly Attendance Reporting: $156*/yr 2. DUES & Invoicing: $156*/yr, + $197/setup 3. Stnd Club Web Site: $156*/yr, + $197/setup ALL 3 premium modules, one price: $349*/yr. plus, just one-time setup fee of: $197 Savings of $316 on bundle ($862-$546) * +$100 clubs over 149; - $100 clubs under 30
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members message: for a NEW MEMBER Automatically sent to: - the new Member - Club Secretary - District Secretary - RI Database - Sponsoring Rotarian gets a THANK YOU! ALL automatically sent for you!
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Presidents-Elect Committee in District:
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members - Speaker’s Bureau - Rotarian 2 Rotarian Business Directory - Youth Protection Policies and Background Security Checks Other District Level Options and Functions:
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Selected PMAIL #71: Dear Rotarian
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members LandingPageLandingPage
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Send PMAIL to CLUB TRF Chairs:
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members LandingPageLandingPage
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Presidents-Elect Committee in District:
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Presidents-Elect Committee in District: Who is Missing
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members RI Club Officer Update: 5230-Visalia County Center
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members BUBBLES UP to RI via “Direct Connect”
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members - Your District Directory - Rotarian 2 Rotarian Business Directory - District and Club web sites Smartphone – Other Options and Functions:
SmartPhone Mobile Access m.DaCdb.com - Handy for screen shots of your iPhone
DACdb - District and Club Database Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members
6970 District Overview DaCdb Presentation Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members “SO, What’s in it for ME?” - It is also on your SmartPhone!
SmartPhone Mobile Access m.DaCdb.com
SmartPhone Mobile Access m.DaCdb.com Quick Access: - Address - Phone Numbers - Name & Address - Calendar of Events
SmartPhone Mobile Access m.DaCdb.com Quick Access: - Club Times & Loc. - Club Officers - District Committees - FIND a member
SmartPhone ICON APP for DACdb DACdb.com in browser 2. Keyin: dacdb.com <<= DACdb LOGIN screen