AUTOBUILD Build and Deployment Automation Solution
2 What is Autobuild? Open source Ant/Python-based build/deployment framework with extensive support for IBM products (WAS, Portal, Process server, DataPower). Open source build server (LuntBuild) integrated with the framework. Full lifecycle automation: compile, package, deploy, test. Consulting services to configure/setup builds for your applications and environments. Optional maintenance and support services.
3 Autobuild Consulting Service Analyze your environment and processes. Install/configure the framework and the build server. Configure target environments for deployments. Enable build/deployment of your applications. Knowledge transfer. End result: automation of your build/deploy process.
4 Why Automate Builds? Improved software quality: Early defect detection, including integration-related problems. Information sharing – logs, reports and statistics are available to the entire team. Support for agile development (e.g., continuous integration).
5 Why Automate Application Deployments/Configuration? More reliable operations and change management: Repeatability and consistency. Eliminates error-prone manual processes. Faster code-to-environment turnaround. Improved control and accountability Forrester: IT Operations accounts for 60% of budget; 40% of budget goes to human labor
6 Typical Build Automation Options RAD/Eclipse + Manual deployment: Limited repeatability, no CM integration. Home-grown Ant/Maven scripts: Incomplete, high maintenance. Build/Continuous integration server: Provides nice UI but does not know how to build your code.
7 Why is Build Automation Hard? Highly specialized skills (Ant, Maven, JMX, CM, deployment architecture). Support for different component types/formats (war, portlets, Web services, EJB, EAR, etc.). Dependency management (compile/run-time); usually with numerous third party/in-house components. Multiple environments with many different configuration settings. Proprietary deployment and configuration mechanisms (e.g., wsadmin, serviceDeploy, XMLAaccess). Integration with CM/Change management. Comprehensive build automation requires significant investments. Its development and maintenance is a major distraction for developers.
8 Autobuild’s Key Benefits Complete automation of your build/deployment process, improved turnaround and reliability. Developers are freed up to focus on developing applications. Adding new applications/components requires no scripting. Agile development support, incl. continuous integration, automated unit and integration testing. Improved operations via centralized configuration management of your environments. Improved security, accountability and transparency.
9 Autobuild Key Principles Reliability and consistency, e.g.: Automatic labeling, promotion from a label. Applications are always fully uninstalled before deployments. Discovery over configuration, e.g.: Automatic “targeting” to clusters and IHS. Convention over configuration, e.g.: Build files are generated based on the directory structure. Project configuration via Eclipse/RAD, e.g.: Dependencies are managed via Eclipse classpath. Build server UI over command line: Builds configured/started/monitored using the build server.
10 Autobuild Features Support for many component types ( Jar, War, Ear, portlets, portal themes (wps.ear) Portlet Factory projects, Web services, EJB 2). Automatic generation of build scripts based on the project directory structure/Eclipse-RAD settings. Most projects don’t require any Ant or property files. Dependency management via Eclipse-RAD classpath. No properties or XML files to manage. Support for FindBugs static analysis tool. Support for environment-dependent configuration properties via easy-to-use syntax (no XML).
11 Autobuild Features – Cont’d Automated deployment to WAS 6.0/6.1 incl. node distribution and application startup. WAS cell diagnostic before deployment ensures that node managers and servers are up and running. Periodic WAS environment health check (node agents and servers) configured from the build server. Support for WAS/Portal conf. files distribution to environments. Automated portlet deployment to WebSphere portal (XMLAccess is generated automatically) Automated cleanup of portal pages based on patterns. Customizable pages are preserved.
12 Autobuild Features – Cont’d Support for open-source Canoo Web testing tool (incl. macros for portal login). Tests run automatically after deployments. All reports (Junit, Canoo, FindBugs), logs, documentation and artifacts are available from the build server. Tight integration with LuntBuild build server. Deployments into higher environments are password-protected. Support for continuous integration and scheduled builds. Support for your release process, including build promotion to test, stage, prod environments. Support for CVS, Subversion, ClearCase, others.
13 Screenshot – Build Dashboard
14 Screenshot – Build Status
15 Screenshot – Build Configuration