This course is designed to teach you the critical thinking skills and Physics required to pass the AP exam in May with a 4 or a 5. IT IS NOT DESIGNED AS A GPA BOOST
You will struggle with at least one of the subjects in this class. They are not easy and everyone learns differently. Office Hours 1 st Semester ◦ Before School (7:20 onwards unless appointment earlier) ◦ After School (until 3:15 unless by appointment) Office Hours 2 nd Semester ◦ Before School (7:00 onwards)
The AP Exam consists of two sections: Multiple Choice Word Problems
Constitutes 50% of the exam 50 Questions with 90 minutes to Complete ◦ Traditional Questions (Formula Manipulation, “Simple” work out problems, etc. ) ◦ New Question Type: Multiple Answers can be correct
Form a study group. Meet once a week to go over multiple choice problems. START NOW. Give yourself a set time to complete so many problems and push yourself
5 Questions to be answered in 90 minutes ◦ 12 point Lab question ◦ 12 point Qualitative Quantitative Translation ◦ Three 7 point work out problems The free-response will focus on both the math involved as well as the logic used to solve the problem
Best way to prepare for the free-response section is to DO YOUR HOMEWORK. ◦ This will be a new approach however, you will need to practice writing out your logic while solving problems.
New to this year is the ability to use the calculator and equation sheet on both sections of the test. This practice will be used in class. ◦ Don’t get in the habit however of relying on your calculator. You will have problems you can solve without doing a bit of math by just looking at the problem.
Math Review ◦ Algebra II Review, Trig Review Kinematics ◦ Velocity, Acceleration, Displacement Newton’s Laws of Motion ◦ Forces, Free-Body Diagrams
Work, Energy, Power and Linear Momentum ◦ Kinetic and Potential Energy, Power, Collisions. Gravitational and Circular Motion ◦ Moments of Inertia, Gravity Torque and Rotational Motion ◦ Net Torque, Equilibrium, Inertia
Torque and Rotational Motion Simple Harmonic Motion, Waves and Sound
Electrostatics and Simple Electric Circuits -Coulombs' Law, Resister series and Capacitor Series REVIEW for Exam