The far east is also known as the ORIENT (which means “east”)
SOME PHYSICAL GEOG. OF EAST ASIA ArchipelagoA group or chain of islands TsunamiJapanese term used for a huge sea wave caused by an undersea earthquake LoessFine, yellowish-brown topsoil made up of particles of silt and clay, usually carried by the wind DesertificationProcess in which arable land is turned into desert
Tsunamis occur after undersea earthquakes. They aren’t waves, but are more like an overflow of water
SOME RELIGIOUS FACTORS OF E. ASIA Shamanism Belief in a leader who can communicate with spirits Lama Buddhist religious leader
Lamas are the Buddhist equivalent of a Catholic Cardinal or Bishop
SOME ECONOMIC FACTORS OF E. ASIA Cooperative (co-op)A voluntary organization whose members work together and share expenses and profits Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Group (APEC) A trade group the ensures trade among the member countries is efficient and fair Trade surplusEarning more money from export sales than spending for imports Trade deficitSpending more money on imports than earning from exports Economic sanctionsTrade restrictions World Trade Organization (WTO)An international body that oversees trade agreements and settles trade disputes among countries Merchant marineA countries fleet of ships that engage in commerce or trade
The main function of the W.T.O. is to ensure that trade flows smoothly, predictably...
SOME TECHNOLOGY OF EAST ASIA ChlorofluorocarbonsChemical substance, found mainly in liquid coolants, that damages the earths protective ozone layer *KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE 2: AquacultureThe cultivation of seafood AcupunctureAn ancient practice that involves inserting fine needles into the body at specific points in order to cure diseases and ease pain
Aquaculture is fish-farming. East Asia is full of these $-making areas
SOME ARCHITECTURE OF EAST ASIA PagodaA style of architecture most often found in traditional East Asian buildings, marked by gracefully curved tile roofs in the tower style
SOME ART OF EAST ASIA HaikuForm of Japanese poetry originally consisting of 17 syllables and three lines, often about nature CalligraphyThe art of beautiful handwriting *IdeogramA pictorial character or symbol that represents a specific meaning or idea
… an example of Oriental calligraphy
SOME HISTORICAL FACTORS OF E. ASIA DynastyA ruling house or continuing family of rulers ShogunMilitary ruler in medieval Japan SamuraiA class of professional soldiers who lived by a strict code of personal honor and loyalty to a noble
*Please remember Samurai warriors are JAPANESE (from the land of the rising sun) -- not Chinese
SOME CULTURAL FACTORS OF E. ASIA AborigineAn areas original inhabitants HomogeneousOf the same or similar kind or nature (having to do with ethnicity) Culture hearthA center where cultures developed and from which ideas and traditions spread outward ClanTribal community or large group of people related to one another CommuneA collective farming community whose members share works and products DissidentA citizen who speaks out against government policies
The Tiananmen Square incident -- perhaps the most famous Chinese DISSIDENT in all of history
SOME CLIMATE FACTORS OF EAST ASIA MonsoonIn Asia, seasonal wind that brings warm, moist air from the oceans in summer and cold, dry air from inland in winter Japan CurrentA warm-water ocean current that adds moisture to the winter monsoons TyphoonA violent tropical storm that forms in the Pacific Ocean, usually in late summer
~A typhoon is a hurricane that happens in the eastern hemisphere