CLIQ Coupling Loss Induced Quench Magnet protection system for HQ test Overview 1) CLIQ system overview 2) Adding lead to pizza box 3) remote triggering development for CLIQ 4) Cold Testing HQ Protection magnet with dump. CLIQ test plan what it involves 5)…….
CLIQ set up & PSU modification
We opened up joint box, to gain access to the insulated cable the cutaway part of the box. The added spot heaters and voltage taps because we aim to study hotspots in the joint cable.
Adding a lead to MQXC2 inside the joint box This is a large lead But it's just a conservative approach On the left see the small red and blue leads. The red lead coming from CLIQ box, the blue is connecting to the negative side of the power supply. We use a large current lead just because that's what we have.
We need about 1 m cable coming out of the joint box to make the connection to the magnet support.
Testing remote trigger delay and signal acquisition Remote trigger circuit 0.27 mS Signal testing Test quench signal generator We found a delay in the voltage timing between CLIQ box and SM 18 data acquisition system. still investigating could be due to low voltage signal not opening a gate in the analogue to digital card may be. This will not affect the test.
Protection the magnet with a delayed Dump EE. 9KA, CLIQ + (capacitor voltage at 400V) Example of MQXC2 test with energy extraction delay Glyn Kirby CLIQ forHQ Nov 2013 The initial CLIQ tests are performed with the energy extraction dump resistor being delayed at a safe time step. This allows us to check the performance of the click without endangering the magnet. We will need to know what delay is acceptable for the dump to be able to protect the magnet in the event that the CLIQ system fails to operate. HQ did Survive quench with no dump but could it do this for many quenches?
CLIQ TEST plan We need to determine the transition at which the click system quenches for magnet. The vertical axis plots the CLIQ voltage and equivalent current injection. The horizontal axis plots the magnet current as a percentage of short sample. The two red curved lines represent energy storage in two different capacitor banks. Lower energy in the upper line. We perform tests along the edges of the capacitor energy lines. The values are just as an example.
Solution for a string
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CLIQ – Coupling Loss Induced Quench EU Patent EP Presented at MT, EUCAS, CHATS CLIQ can quench a magnet by generating coupling loss (=heat) in the conductor itself With respect to existing quench protection systems, CLIQ can offer: easier implementation, faster response, lower maximum temperature, lower failure risk.