Group Meeting – Pepco Holdings, Inc. July 17, 2014
Use common model and algorithms to: – Make PV analysis a standard part of: Planning Operations Monitoring – Evaluate impact of PV/DER at feeder and transmission level Objectives 2
Topic A1 60 Study Circuits Build and major validation/correction review complete Measurement collection complete Device setting collection continuing Completed device setting for Voltage Headroom and DA circuits Study feeder description Short and stiff, long with high impedance, highly loaded, lightly loaded, mix of different type customers – residential, industrial, commercial, overhead, underground, feeders with high PV saturation, feeders that are part of a Distribution Automation scheme that can’t currently operate because of a large solar farm, and then a grouping of feeders and substations where high penetration will have an impact on the transmission system. Remaining work Compare analysis for base case and Voltage Headroom case 1. Activities 3
4 Topic A2 Voltage headroom circuit selected Utilizing existing monitoring equipment and equipping a voltage regulator bank with SCADA communications and control Remaining Year 1 Work Complete Voltage Headroom design and define test procedure Topic A3 Significant analysis refinement completed Running testing analysis using study circuits Refining displays and time-series use of measurements and load data Remaining Year 1 Work Update and test PV interconnect criteria Compare analysis results for new and old interconnect criteria
1. Activities 5 Topic B4 Have Forecast, Schedule, Monitor and Adjust (FSMA) Running Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR) using capacitors, LTC’s and Voltage Regulators Forecasting operation Comparing against actual results Have method for defining load profile/scenarios Have control parts of PV complete Adding PV to CVR control functionality Remaining Year 1 Work Compare base case and controller case performance results
Accomplishments Held on site training and analysis code feedback with PHI PV Group and Planners Completed model builds and model build checks for 60 study circuits Collected circuit and load measurements for analysis Time-series load measurements set for automated attachment to all circuits Time-series circuit measurements set for automated attachment to Voltage Headroom and Auto- reconfiguration scheme circuits 2. Accomplishments 6
3. Roadblocks 7 Model correction and validation Critical part of making PV analysis a standard part planning and operation management Taking more time to complete than planned Breaking up into two parts: Initial model-build, automated corrections Main work for this is complete. Plan to continue to refine as this is used over the next 6 months Manual corrections Need to simplify collection and automated use of corrections made by engineers as a part of running analysis on circuits This will be the model build focus for the next 6 month
Lessons Learned Questions for the DOE 4. Lessons Learned & Questions 8
PV Hosting Capacity Analysis Existing Feeder Optimized Feeder Analysis: Phase balance, Cap Placement, Voltage Regulator Placement & Settings, Check protection/coordination Quantify: Improvement cost, Feeder performance impact, PV hosting impact Run optimized feeder setup to include: Voltage Head Room Configuration Autonomous Control Central Control Quantify: Improvement cost, Feeder performance impact, PV hosting impact Classify circuits in terms of how much PV can be added without violating operating criteria
Pilot Feeder Instrumentation 10 PV Systems. With 480 V monitors Pole-Mount Monitors Existing Monitoring
Pilot Feeder Instrumentation EPRI Pole Mount voltage and irradiance monitors installed March
Pilot Feeder Instrumentation 12 INSTALL SCADA Communications on Regulator PV Systems. With 480 V monitors Pole-Mount Monitors To be installed
Pilot Feeder 13 V. Reg. Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 PV Systems. Voltage Regulation zones
PV Overvoltage at Low Load High voltage occurs at PV systems in Zone 2 during min load 14
Min Load Feeder Profile PV penetration limited by high voltage during min load, when voltage profile is relatively flat 15 PV Site Overvoltage
Min Load Feeder Profile SCADA control of regulator allows for manual reduction of voltage for demonstration of concept 16 Reducing voltage in zone 2 solves overvoltage problem without creating low voltage based on model predictions
PV Operations Management (FSMA) FSMA: Forecast, Schedule, Monitor and Adjust – Use for: Operations Monitoring Planning and control simulation – Currently running coordinated control LTC’s, voltage regulators and capacitors Just added PV as controllable devices Simulator – Separate copy of Dew that uses same model used for control, to play the role of the system 17
Use simulator to: – See system response to control, device state and load change – Test & develop control – Test & develop display User can set: – Load points/curve – Capacitor states – Voltage regulator states – PV inverter control FSMA Control – Can be run against simulator or real system 18 Model-Based Simulator
FSMA – Control can be run against simulator or real system through connection to SCADA PV Operations Management (FSMA) 19